Also, on this vacation I ate my first more-or-less intact half lobster.  It was pretty yummy, particularly the claw meat.  Also lots of scallops.  And clam chowder.  In general, I decided that foods that are served with moist towelettes, while not things my family ever ate, are in general the right sort of thing (ribs, lobster).  I also gained some weight, alas. 

Are there any other foods in the moist towelette category I need to investigate? _
respond? (1)
11:52:34 AM, Monday 24 May 2010


 Work isn't so bad.  It's getting myself to go that's painful.  Once I'm there, I don't really mind. _
11:41:35 AM, Monday 24 May 2010


We did make it to see Sweetgrass in Gloucester, on what turned out to be basically a digital conference room projector in a room above a record shop. It was unexpectedly intense. I think I'm going to have sheep nightmares. There was no soundtrack. Just sheep. Sheep, and people getting annoyed at sheep. Several hundred sheep are their own soundtrack. _
respond? (1)
07:59:32 PM, Sunday 23 May 2010


Punch-Drunk Love was boring, visually pretentious and mildly loathsome.  Though I disliked it for entirely non Adam Sandler reasons, so that's something.  I mean, Happy-Go-Lucky I had some similar problems, but if you compare the driving instructor in that movie to the character in Punch-Drunk Love, there's no contest: the driving instructor was much more human, more comprehensible, and to me, a much more realistic portrayal of that sort of problem.   It might have been a good 20 minute segment of a decent movie.  I now wish I knew what I liked about Magnolia. But at least it's out of my damned Netflix queue.  _
respond? (2)
08:08:28 PM, Saturday 22 May 2010


 We are back from a week in cape cod, that I spent away from the internet.  I did not receive a single real correspondence type email in my personal email account.  No pictures, I went intending not to shutterbug the whole time, then broke down and pulled out my camera, and realized I forgot the film, err, memory chip.  So you'll just have to believe me about the snapping turtle.  You'd have to take me word on the whippoorwill anyway.  I also went for a 60 mile bike ride on Thursday, from Wellfleet to Chatham and back, and then slept until 2pm on Friday.  _
06:12:16 PM, Saturday 22 May 2010


Wikipedia is an amazing resource floating on top of a vast, roiling system of agonizing stupidity.  I need to just stop looking at talk pages, ever.

04:17:26 PM, Thursday 13 May 2010


My blackberry, which got left out in the rain overnight, is, with treatment, functional, with the exception of q, e, r, u, o, p and clicking the scrolly wheel.  This does limit it's usefulness somewhat, but not entirely. It means I will be able to read my email, but my ability to reply to them will be rather constrained, unless I answer in dialect. So it's entirely possible I will end up writing an email like this in the near future.

I can't answa ya intil I git back, I dint have all my lettas.

Or perhaps I should forward myself an explanation that I can then forward on. I don't know what I'll do if I have to write a hasty email about Europe. _
02:12:11 PM, Thursday 13 May 2010


 Any survey where the sum of the strongly expressed opinions adds up to 100% is a baldfaced lie, and someone is probably trying to sell you something. _
12:19:54 PM, Thursday 13 May 2010


On the way to work this morning, I saw a guy on what can best be described as a gigantic, stand-up flying turtle, a standing trike whose only means of propulsion was steering back and forth. Unfortunately, he looked like he was doing it for exercise, and not because it was awesome. I didn't have time to see if it had brakes. Down by Lake street. I haven't been able to find any evidence of these things on the internet yet, probably because I lack the vocabulary.

Update: I found a picture of one!

Update2: It's a Trikke Trike. _
respond? (4)
09:33:01 AM, Tuesday 11 May 2010


 Bleh:  from the faq about Brummel and Brown, my current spread.  So it looks like roughly 10% of the calories come from trans fat, probably more, since there's bound to be other strategic rounding involved, yet they  can put No Trans Fat on the packaging.  Meanwhile, it's yogurtyness, also prominent on the packaging, is 10% by weight.   It's also a fascinating example of how brand names are breaking down.  It's made by Unilever, who also makes, at least, I Can't Believe It's Not Butter, Imperial, and Country Crock.  

How can a product be labeled 0 grams of trans fat when it still contains partially hydrogenated oil?
Partially hydrogenated vegetable oil describes a broad range of oils with varying degrees of hydrogenation or hardening. The trans fat levels in these oils can vary from very little to higher amounts. A very small amount of partially hydrogenated oil may be used in a product to provide structure and texture. Products which contain a small amount of trans fat (amounts less than 0.5 g per serving) can be labeled, according to the Food and Drug Administration’s nutrition labeling guidelines, as 0 g trans fat per serving.
respond? (11)
08:23:27 AM, Tuesday 11 May 2010


 It work, we occasionally get robocall spam from some sort of cruise scam.  They just called, and they've changed their pitch.  They're now pretending to be a survey on health care reform, with the cruise as a reward for answering the questions.  I find this hilarious. _
04:09:42 PM, Monday 10 May 2010


Video being shown in the wrong aspect ratio is moving quickly up my list of pet peeves. _
02:43:02 PM, Monday 10 May 2010


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