We just booked a train ticket to New York to see a Stephin Merritt musical!  I am excited!  I've taken the train to Newark before for work, but that really seriously isn't the same thing at all.  Somehow I've managed to not set foot on Manhattan in 10 years.


respond? (2)
09:48:57 AM, Saturday 9 May 2009


I have to say, if I am going to get redirected email, merger talks between small privately owned software companies are rather more interesting than the norm.    _
09:40:19 AM, Tuesday 5 May 2009


Yesterday, I saw one man on the bike path with a facemask.  Today, he was still there and there was also a woman with a black hankerchief over her face.  I will track this going forward, unless I forget or get bored.  So far they have only been in the immediate environment of the subway. _
respond? (6)
01:31:12 PM, Friday 1 May 2009


Arlen Specter switches parties!  It really is going to be Limbaugh's party soon. _
02:03:00 PM, Tuesday 28 April 2009


If you had an email address that was constantly getting confused with the email of a relatively wealthy individual to their inconvenience and embarrassment, would you attempt to sell it to them?  How much would you ask? _
respond? (10)
11:04:51 AM, Tuesday 28 April 2009


Specs that come with test cases are the best sorts of specs. _
respond? (3)
10:36:04 AM, Monday 27 April 2009


Sigh.  Finally archived the email about joining the kayak polo group on Spy Pond.  Though I like kayaking, I don't actually like being capsized, and I no longer live walking distance from the the polo waters.  It had been sitting in my inbox since 2007. _
08:32:43 AM, Monday 27 April 2009


James Fallows ponders the differences in public manners between China and the US.  An excellent photograph of a minor traffic accident is included.

He is certainly right about the bad behavior found among people on delayed airplanes, but I'm not sure it's fair to extrapolate too far from it.  I think a lot of it has to do with the ostentatious busyness of american business culture, which rubbed off on the flying public as a whole. _
11:41:24 AM, Friday 24 April 2009



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09:16:49 AM, Friday 24 April 2009


Great Headline:  Penguins Turn to Satan

respond? (4)
08:09:33 PM, Thursday 23 April 2009


I was feeling tense and unhappy yesterday evening, so picked up Post Captain by Patrick O'Brien, and, um, read it.  Finished about an hour before I work started.  The bizarre thing is, I've had a really productive, non-stressful day.  I do think I'm probably going to pay for this at some point, though.  I think my problem yesterday was that whenever I had a spare minute I started doing something else, and agitated about my to-do list. Today, whenever I have a spare minute, I sit contentedly in a dopey stupor. This is only marginally less productive, and much, much less stressful. _
respond? (1)
03:35:56 PM, Wednesday 22 April 2009


 I have an IKEA hangover.  I got the chest of drawers assembled by 11pm.  Still haven't got the laundry put away. _
02:13:57 PM, Tuesday 21 April 2009


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