Sarah's Bloglet

John Waters: "Well, Liberace's always been a terrorist in his own right." _
01:36:43 PM, Tuesday 29 July 2003


I'm such a jerk. I've been hearing all this horrible gossip about an ex-boyfriend and delighting in it. A few years ago a friend of mine gave me an amulet that gave me +5 on all date-a-loser rolls. I wish I could get one of those to protect me from schadenfreude. _
respond? (7)
07:23:07 PM, Monday 28 July 2003


Thomas Friedman on Fresh Air: "If you think there is nothing we can do to partner with people [in the Arab world] to tilt it onto a more progressive track -- politically, religiously, educationally -- then I have some very simple advice for you: Stick your head between your legs and kiss your behind goodbye." _
02:05:07 PM, Monday 28 July 2003


Damn, they just threw down a "Guns of Brixton" reference. _
10:32:39 PM, Sunday 27 July 2003


want rabbit. where rabbit? want rabbit. _
respond? (4)
02:48:48 PM, Friday 25 July 2003


Eternal question: Why am I such a stupid dork? _
respond? (2)
01:57:59 PM, Friday 25 July 2003


So I heard that Bob Dylan song "Ballad of a Thin Man" for the first time just now, and, well:

Now, you see this one-eyed midget shouting the word "Now"
And you say, "For what reason?" and he says, "How"
And you say, "What does this mean?" and he screams back, "You're a cow!
Give me some milk or else go home"

It just makes me think that maybe he's famous for making his lyrics sound slightly less stupid than they really are. _
respond? (3)
01:53:49 PM, Friday 25 July 2003


The remedy for today is drug abuse. I'm pretty sure about this. _
07:21:00 PM, Thursday 24 July 2003


It would be funny if everyone in my office secretly hated Elliott Smith with a deadly passion and has been quietly going crazy hearing his music coming out of my speakers for the past four months. _
06:07:47 PM, Thursday 24 July 2003


I am really glad that I am a woman and therefore allowed to cry. _
05:40:18 PM, Thursday 24 July 2003


And did you know the only way out is when you die? Ha ha. _
04:22:36 PM, Thursday 24 July 2003


I don't even care any more. _
04:20:33 PM, Thursday 24 July 2003


Symptoms of Coffee Deficiency.

hahahahaha -- TRUE. _
03:14:06 PM, Thursday 24 July 2003


Is there anything more annoying than having to submit to the judgment of someone stupider and less knowledgable than yourself?
(I'm being a jerk today, I know.) _
02:07:36 PM, Thursday 24 July 2003


Anybody else think there's a difference between "unregulated, traffic-blocking protests" and "riots"? _
respond? (8)
02:01:57 PM, Thursday 24 July 2003


it is bad for rabbits to read spoilers! it gives them indigestion and makes their ears shrink! _
12:48:53 PM, Thursday 24 July 2003


You know how Shakespeare wrote all those sonnets in which he's all, "Baby you gon' live forever 'cause I wrote this poem about you"? I wonder how many of his contemporaries wrote similar poems which have been entirely forgotten. _
respond? (9)
12:24:36 PM, Thursday 24 July 2003


This morning, while assembling my lunch, I grabbed the bag of basil instead of the bag of spinach. Good work. _
respond? (3)
11:32:47 AM, Thursday 24 July 2003


It rained at 5am today. How completely bizarre. _
respond? (1)
11:19:49 AM, Thursday 24 July 2003


Bad/Not so bad: You drop your lighter directly into your glass of wine./It still makes the fire. _
respond? (2)
09:57:46 PM, Wednesday 23 July 2003


Best breakup excuse ever. _
respond? (6)
07:52:44 PM, Wednesday 23 July 2003


I just saw a freckle on my earlobe that I'd never noticed before. Maybe I have melanoma. That would be funny. _
respond? (4)
05:11:45 PM, Wednesday 23 July 2003


Sweet sweet photoshop love. Goddamn! Anybody got a manual for this thing? _
respond? (10)
07:59:51 PM, Tuesday 22 July 2003


I, uh, watch Gilmore Girls (only reruns so far, because it used to conflict with Buffy) and wanted to know whether an episode was on tonight. The website has a section called Rory's Book Club, featuring classics as well as newer books. The plug for Jane Eyre: "Jane has overcome many things, but the dark secrets of her handsome employer may be more than she can handle." _
respond? (3)
02:55:31 PM, Tuesday 22 July 2003


About Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix (spoilers ahoy, highlight to read): Well damn, that was good. I'd heard that "someone beloved by the children" would die and expected it to be Sirius, but Rowling really threw me when she put Mr. Weasley and Professor McGonagall in danger. The saddest part of the book, to me, was not Sirius dying, but Harry's futile attempts to reach him afterwards.

I also dug how bitchy Harry has become and how that tied in with the revelation he had about what a jerk his father had been at his age. Speaking of which, does anyone else think that Snape was putting his memories of being tormented by James in the Pensieve so he'd be able to teach Harry? Does the Pensieve work that way?

I also liked the Cho subplot, and thought their total miscommunication and eventual cooling towards one another was pretty darn realistic.

Also Tonks was cool.
respond? (10)
02:27:18 PM, Tuesday 22 July 2003


How in the name of heck did I get that "uncle Fucker" song stuck in my head? _
respond? (4)
01:01:04 PM, Tuesday 22 July 2003


FUCK FUCK FUCK. Do font color codes not work in bloglet? I need to hide spoilers! _
respond? (3)
12:36:28 PM, Tuesday 22 July 2003


He calls me up and makes zombie noises at me and then mocks my uncaffeinated state. _
respond? (1)
11:23:53 AM, Tuesday 22 July 2003


Hipster Bingo.
via Gawker. _
07:57:10 PM, Monday 21 July 2003


Dear co-worker who has seniority over me,

I used to think you were a decent person, or at least a smart one, because you like to read Hume and think Ayn Rand is full of shit. For a while this was pretty much making up for the knee-jerk anti-Marxism you seemed to display. (Remember when I said that if you agree with Marx's premises you have to agree with his conclusions, but that doesn't mean his ideas will work out in real life? Remember how you acted like I had some kinda crazy-ass highly contagious antibiotic-resistant tuberculosis just because I thought Marx kinda had a point? Like, holy shit, she's gonna go blow up the stock exchange building right fucking now! Oh my god!!!! Where the fuck is Joe McCarthy when you need him?)

Today, however, you crossed the line when you came up to me and asked what kind of "propaganda" I was listening to on the radio. (In case you couldn't tell, I was listening to an NPR call-in show about doctor-patient communication -- in other words, bleeding-heart tree-hugging pinko hogwash.) You went on to say that KPFA was "really radical". Perhaps you didn't catch the sarcasm in my reply about how I was listening to "more ultra-liberal swill" and that only the FOX News Channel can be trusted for accurate, unbiased coverage of the complex world we live in. So let me clue you in to what we postmodern socialist types would call the "subtext" of my statement: SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT POLITICS WHEN YOU'RE AROUND ME, YOU NRA-LOVING ASSWIPE.

Thank you and goodnight. _
respond? (5)
04:12:00 PM, Monday 21 July 2003


And how come every time I put something in blockquotes its font size changes? Is it supposed to do that? _
04:31:06 PM, Sunday 20 July 2003


Reading Octavio Paz's essay, "The Concealment and Discovery of Orozco", and this bit struck me:

But mechanization is only one aspect of the universal dehumanization. The other is ideology: the mechanical age is also the century of ideologies. Ideology dehumanizes us because it makes us believe that its shadows are realities and that realities, including the reality of our own being, are nothing but shadows. It is a series of mirrors that hides reality from us, that steals our faces and our free will from us so as to turn us into reflections. Repetition is the mode of being that typifies the devil: the robot repeats the same gestures, the ideologue the same formulas.

respond? (2)
04:30:01 PM, Sunday 20 July 2003


I finished the new Harry Potter last night and then slept for twelve hours. More to follow. _
04:06:16 PM, Sunday 20 July 2003


Ok, so I have, uh, like, ten wacked-out looking vinyl frilled lizard dolls. (I like to dress them up and take them for rides in the perambulator...) About half are standing on their hind legs and the rest are on all fours. (If only I could display them with my OG frilled lizard, but, alas, he's of much higher quality then them and it shows. (Breeding always does, my dear.)) I need to figure out a way to display them as a group. The new apartment has a mantelpiece but I don't want to claim it for my frill obsession without Melissa's input. So, uh, any ideas? Shelves? Something? _
respond? (7)
04:28:54 PM, Friday 18 July 2003


Two great phrases: "vomit porn" and "wank fodder". And I got to use them both here. _
respond? (6)
03:21:29 PM, Friday 18 July 2003


Hung out with Kate and Tom last night. Tom said there used to be a law firm in Virginia Beach whose sign read, "Cox, Cox and Cox, Parking in Rear."

tee-hee. _
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12:01:59 PM, Friday 18 July 2003


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