Tori's Bloglet
All right, I appear to have fixed my computer download problem. My access levels were all screwed up and, when loged in as someone with "admin" priveledges, I could only read only. _
07:49:39 AM, Tuesday 27 December 2011
I have a new computer, hurray! I need computer advice, though. I seem to have done something to it which is making it so I can't download files or create folders. Help? It's probably related to the fact that it seems to think that it's Jamie's. (I am running OS 10.5.)


09:34:46 PM, Monday 26 December 2011
I suspect I am going to have bandaid gunk on the back of my leg forever. How do you make it come off? Kelly suggested baby oil, which sounds like a good idea, once the hole in my leg is completely gone. (I don't want to risk further infection.) _
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07:55:51 AM, Monday 19 December 2011
Jamie and I used to tease Connor about his repeat viewings of Return of the Jedi, telling him that if he watched it enough times the ending would change.

I got home this evening and my roommates were watching Return of the Jedi on TV, about at the point where Luke walks into Jabba's palace. Geoffrey and I watched all the way through, and, sure enough, apparently I have hit the magic number of repeat viewings and the ending has changed. Goddammit George Lucas, what is wrong with you?! At this point, the redone special effects are crap, but beyond that, why bother showing us celebrations on all the other planets? Why impose in Hayden Christianson? AAA. _

11:03:28 PM, Sunday 18 December 2011
All right. Wretched beast that he may be, Sam is home. He had, indeed, been picked up by someone on the next street over, while she was walking her dog. They got through to the city of Somerville, where he does indeed have a lisence, and she called me from outside my last apartment, because I forgot to register my new address. Apparently she spent some time trying to guess what his name is, before reaching anyone, and then when she said, "his name is Sam?" on the phone with them he got all perked up.

And now. I have to go to work. BLAH. _

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09:45:23 AM, Thursday 15 December 2011
Fucking dog has figured out how to get through the fence in my backyard. Fuckity fuck fuck fuck. I was running around the block, in slippers, pajamas, and a coat, with a squeaky toy, calling for him. Someone walking a dog on the other side of the street said, "Oh, are you looking for a small white dog?"

Me: "Yes."

"I saw him about fifteen minutes ago. A woman with a cocker spaniel and I could tell he had escaped. She was taking him home with her, and was going to call animal control."

Animal control is not yet open, apparently. Fucking dog. I am really glad he ha a license, since apparently he no longer has a nametag with my phone number on it. (I don't know what happened to it. I think it stayed on a broken collar.) _

08:09:35 AM, Thursday 15 December 2011
 I should say, my leg is much better. The infection is gone, and I am done with the antibiotics, which were making me pretty miserable. I still have a hole in my leg, which seems to be healing, which is good. It occasionally hurts a bit, but ibuprophen seems to do the trick, so I keep it covered all the time, to keep both it and my clothes clean. So. YAY!

The wrong sorts of chairs are still a bit uncomfortable. But, I can work around that. _

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10:45:31 AM, Wednesday 14 December 2011
Can anyone explain why doctors don't care that my normal, healthy, body temperature is 96.6 when they're taking my temperature to see if I'm infected? If my temperature reads 96.6, isn't that like a normal person's body temperature reading 100.6? That's a number they take seriously. No doctor takes you seriously when you're complaining about being sick and your temperature is 98.6. (Well, I mean, obviously if there are other symptoms too, but...) Do they just not believe me? Why does a two degree raise in body temperature not count if it's taking you up to "average"? _
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11:37:42 PM, Friday 9 December 2011
My sister sent me a giant MRSA plushy. With a cape. Sam really wants to eat it. _
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07:59:49 PM, Wednesday 7 December 2011
 Woot! No more going into the doctor at 8 in the morning every other day to get my wound repacked! I don't have to go back in at all! _
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11:19:34 AM, Wednesday 7 December 2011
photo.JPG by ToriTyrrell
photo.JPG, a photo by ToriTyrrell on Flickr.

The doctor asked this morning if we'd met before. We hadn't. I haven't see the same doctor twice. But he laughed and said "I haven't seen your nails before."

"Well," I laughed, "I did them over the weekend, so that's not telling of anything."

But. They are pretty. I like them.

09:04:05 AM, Monday 5 December 2011
Also, I am tired of feeling bad that I had a ridiculously lazy afternoon yesterday and didn't go to the drug store and now don't have the good kind of medical tape. Watching Breaking Bad and Spaced all afternoon was tons of fun. Even though I have to hide from Breaking Bad sometimes.

(Actually, I was going to walk to the drugstore when G took a nap, and then he never did.) _

07:01:28 AM, Monday 5 December 2011
I would like this whole thing with my leg to be over now please, okay? I am tired of changing bandage dressings. I am tired of only showering on mornings when I'm going to the surgical clinic to have the wound repacked, and I'm tired of them thinking that I have the stomach to yank a piece of bloody guaze out of my own leg. Also, getting the wound "repacked" hurts like hell. I'm tired of being late for work because of it. I am tired of 8 am doctor's appointments. I am tired of the antibiotic that makes me so dizzy I think I won't be able to stand up. _
06:30:04 AM, Monday 5 December 2011
 If you're going to call something "final" and stick it in a folder for other things marked as "final" don't make more changes. You will make people want to hit you.

I spent all day doing copying choice information out of spreadsheets, only to find out that other people were making changes to their "final" documents. _

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04:05:47 PM, Thursday 1 December 2011
Hey, whaddya know, my surgeon knew what he was talking about! My leg does feel much better today! I feel like I can almost walk normally again!

(Sarcastic Tori is sarcastic. He was very nice. He also was entirely upfront about what the lidocaine shot was going to feel like, and didn't try to lye and say "you won't feel it at all!" Just "It'll hurt a bit, and then the medicine will be a bit burny, but it's all together better than if you weren't numbed at all for what I'm about to do.") _

08:03:31 AM, Thursday 1 December 2011
I don't usually like to blog about health issue things, but I'm feeling all sad and sorry for myself, so...


I have weird abscess thing on the back of my leg. On Friday, I thought I had an ingrown hair, and it was getting bigger and nastier over the course of the weekend. On Monday it started to ooze, and I was going to go to the doctor on Tuesday afternoon. On Monday night, I started running a fever, and so I decided to go in on Tuesday morning instead. I was sort of a blob, lying on the couch, wrapped up in blankets, with Sam on my feet. The doctor stuck me on antibiotics, wrapped up the oozing thing better than I could, and set me up with an appointment to see a surgeon asap. I spent most of yesterday also lying on the couch, watching TV. This morning I went to the surgical clinic, where they shot my leg full of lidocane and then drained it.

And then I went to work, where I was largely unable to concentrate, and sent emails to people with the wrong names and things. Tons of fun.

Blah. Sorry about that. The doctor this morning said "clearly, she's been very stoic about this" and that I should feel much better tomorrow. Keep taking the antibiotics. And I'm going back in on Friday, so they can repack the hole in my leg. YUCK AND UGH. _

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06:13:27 PM, Wednesday 30 November 2011
I don't understand. Where is winter? _
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07:28:00 AM, Monday 28 November 2011
 You know that Calvin and Hobbes strip where Calvin wakes up to Hobbes' face half an inch from his and "hooray you're awake!" That is what Sam did this morning, he sat there with his head right next to mine and as soon as my eyes flickered open he jumped in a circle, kissed me, and then sat in front of the door and cried until I took him out. All this 20 minutes before my alarm went off, when my roommate left for work (it was the door that woke me). It was sweet, but I had had about four hours of sleep at that point and was not really in the mood to go stand in the doorway watching him run about the back yard. _
02:14:33 PM, Wednesday 23 November 2011
Muppets are fun. I love Jason Segal.

I am so tired. _

09:09:50 AM, Wednesday 23 November 2011
Hey, so, I remember sometime last year, or maybe in early January, Kermode was talking about some movie with alien/monsters that was set after everyone was sort of used to living in the midst of an alien/monster war, and so that was sort of background. Anyone know what it was? (Moss, Julia, Mike?) And...was it any good? _
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11:10:34 PM, Sunday 20 November 2011