Tori's Bloglet
...Did Jon Stewart call it first? _
02:18:02 AM, Wednesday 5 November 2008
I wonder how long it will take to find out who our next president will be. I want a landslide. _
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09:17:59 PM, Sunday 2 November 2008
I have been obsessed with this game since I stumbled up on it the other day. _
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01:11:50 PM, Saturday 1 November 2008
I'm so sick of Joe the Plumber. _
05:30:11 PM, Friday 31 October 2008
I'm so sick of Joe the Plumber. _
05:28:48 PM, Friday 31 October 2008
So, our landlord set up a new washing machine for us last weekend. And today I went down to do laundry (my stepdad gave the dogs a bath yesterday and used my hand/face towel to dry them off. I was really frustrated) and the water won't turn on. So I called my stepdad who was unable to give me any real advise, and wrote to the landlord. And now my fit of productivity is over, and I'm going to paint my toenails. _
01:27:23 PM, Friday 31 October 2008
"Ooo," said my mom, "the mashed potatoes are good, Tori."

"Oh, thanks," says me. "I'm good at mashed potatoes. Besides, you add enough butter and sour cream to anything and it'll be good." _

06:28:56 PM, Wednesday 29 October 2008
What is with the rash of people voting early? I understand that if you're travelling, you will want to send your vote in by absentee ballot, but my stepbrother's wife voted absentee on the thought that voting early is best, despite knowing that she will be home on election day. I was under the impression that they don't really count absentee ballots, they just look at the total number of absentee ballots to see if it is a large enough number to make a difference.

I'm pretty excited about voting in a swing state. Granted, I've only ever voted in PA before, which is generally considered one of the swing states, but it's gone democrat enough times that it doesn't seem to be the same. _

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06:35:43 PM, Monday 27 October 2008
I pulled up a Civ game I had saved last night and I played for a very long time (stupid Civ and it's sleep ruining abilities). I think I might be able to get a diplomatic victory. I doubt I will win the Space Race, given that I have less than 80 turns left and I have really only just begun the Apollo Project, but I have less than 20 turns left to complete the UN, and then I should be able to pull that one off. (I like the newer victory types. I got very sick of taking over the world, and building rockets. I want to do the Cultural victory at some point, but that seems harder with the limits to the amounts of wonders you can build with Civ IV.) Stupid game. All I want to do is go in and finish it, and then figure out how to play it better, but I have to work. _
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12:07:39 PM, Wednesday 22 October 2008

Originally uploaded by ToriTyrrell
Last weekend at the Ren Faire I had the henna artist next door to our stand do my hand. And this is what she did. I took the picture while it was still bright; there is still color there, but at this point it's pretty much completely faded.
02:20:23 PM, Tuesday 21 October 2008
This morning, our house guest's baby was almost screaming, and someone joked that he was trying to be a Disney Princess calling the animals. And then we realized that Disney Princesses never have friends who are people. Seriously, have you ever realized this? They are all just friends with the animals. It's not like they have one best friend who is a scullery maid in the palace of their evil stepmother queen, no, they just have no friends. _
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11:22:57 AM, Tuesday 21 October 2008
I was looking forward to the last weekend at the Ren Faire, and then was woken up at 4 because her stepdad threw out his back and can't go to Connecticut and has to go there instead. I deal poorly with waking up so early, especially when I have to pack. Blah. But at least I get to wear normal people clothes. Blah. I hate morning. _
04:45:47 AM, Saturday 18 October 2008
Jamie and I think they should make Guitar Hero: Lilith Fair Edition for people like us who aren't all that familiar with most of the songs. _
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06:04:16 PM, Thursday 16 October 2008
So, not that I am actually looking at buying $50 computer games at the moment, but I was looking into Spore cause it looks interesting. I tried looking at the Amazon reviews, and they are all incredibly low, mostly one star reviews, because everyone is all pissed off about some new security feature (Securom?). I want to know about the game itself, not the anti-piracy issues that people are having. Does anyone have any ideas? And also, does anyone know why they are so annoyed about this Securom thing? _
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04:18:16 PM, Thursday 16 October 2008
And my purse has been found. After going through the house pretty intensely (we looked under the couches and in my hamper) Jamie and I tried to track down the last places we had seen it. She's saying "have you seen it since we had pizza?" me: "Yes, I know I had it at the Faire on Monday." "Are you sure?" "Yes, I looked in my bag for our IDs like 20 times, and I remember carrying it when the guard was giving us a hard time about it." And then I remembered that it was probably in the bag that had my costume in it, since we had worked very hard on getting everything out to the car in one run. _
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10:37:04 PM, Tuesday 14 October 2008
My purse is missing. It's kind of scary. My mom has convinced herself that the guys who are working on the house next door took it while we were all out walking the dogs. We have looked all over the house. _
09:51:44 PM, Tuesday 14 October 2008
So, today at the Faire, I went off to see these women called the Aerial Angels who do acrobatics on all sorts of things, culminating in pulling (and knotting) themselves up these giant pieces of silk and then dropping themselves down artistically. They also did amazing things on a trapeze, and then did crazy fire eating stuff. It was a nice change from The Little Mermaid. _
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07:16:38 PM, Sunday 12 October 2008
When did the G8 become the G7? Was it over Georgia? _
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08:52:02 AM, Saturday 11 October 2008
Wahoo! Libby cookies!

Also, wireless internet! How I have missed you! (I spent several days at my stepbrother's in Vermont, and he begrudgingly has internet, and was gleeful when the wireless router stopped working.) _

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02:07:30 PM, Friday 10 October 2008
I really hate being in a house all alone at night. I always hear weird noises and get creeped out. _
01:49:15 AM, Friday 3 October 2008