Ellie is the queen of the towel pile. _
11:14:51 AM,Saturday 4 August 2007
So, apparently, demanding to speak with a supervisor was the trick. I put the supervisor on the phone with Tracy, as she'd been talking to talking to tech support for hours on end. He put her on with "our best technician" who tried one thing, remotely, it didn't work, and they are sending us a replacement.
11:08:13 PM,Thursday 2 August 2007
So the tech support person Tracy was speaking with tried to tell me that the reason our wireless network doesn't work terribly well was because someone was using a cordless phone. I said "we don't have a cordless phone". So he said "well, it must be one of your neighbours then." And I said "That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. If you are going to stand by that, I demand to speak with your supervisor."
(4) 09:51:02 PM,Thursday 2 August 2007
My view from my office. I can see the Washington monument. _
04:18:55 PM,Wednesday 1 August 2007
Mmm. Frozen coffee thing and a lemon poppy seed muffin. Even if the muffin isn't as lemony as I'd've liked, it's still a tasty breakfast.
(1) 08:31:40 AM,Wednesday 1 August 2007
Sam has many monkeys. _
(1) 12:41:13 PM,Saturday 28 July 2007
Given my apparent inability to disassociate Peter Petrelli with Jess, I am very wary of Sylar playing (young)Spock.
05:48:18 PM,Friday 27 July 2007
Hurrah for the nice man who came to fix my printer. It is now, apparently, all working just fine.
10:25:54 AM,Friday 27 July 2007
Sometimes, when I go on a vacation, I only take with me books that I've been meaning to read for years and never have, for whatever reason. I used to drag The Hobbit with me on like all trips. The idea being that I would either read them or, god forbid, be social with other human beings. (I generally bought more books, instead). This is why, when I lived at the beach for a summer, all I really took with me to read were things like Don Quixote (okay, this was between sophomore and junior year, so that was seminar reading), the complete works of Jane Austen, and Beowulf. Not a single one of those are particularly good beach reading. And there were no bookstores down there. I read, I think, Sense and Sensibility. Johanna had Wuthering Heights with her and I read about half it before I couldn't deal with the ridiculous melodrama anymore. I had major issues with Don Quixote, and never actually managed to read it properly (I really don't remember like anything after he went after the windmill before he became sane again, and I wrote my Junior essay on it). I'm not sure I've ever even opened Beowulf. Johanna would occasionally buy things like Cosmo, which I would get a huge kick out of laughing at. And I watched TV.
I have written all this, essentially, because I want to see the movie of Beowulf coming out this fall, half because it was written by Neil Gaiman. And I'm trying to figure out if I should try to make myself read it first. I have the Heaney translation somewhere about my bedroom.
(4) 10:13:14 AM,Friday 27 July 2007
I am mildly annoyed by my book. The plot is still interesting, but the characters can't stop talking like annoying people in Seminar. Like, ever. I want to remind the author that, you know, every once in a while, even current Johnnies stop talking like they're in class.
(9) 03:53:21 PM,Thursday 26 July 2007
I was going to do something productive when I got home from work, like dishes, or something, but all I want to do is curl up in a ball with my lace and my guilty-pleasure TV show.
03:49:41 PM,Thursday 26 July 2007
Maybe for good measure I will also throttle the people at HP.
01:48:33 PM,Thursday 26 July 2007
I am going to scream and go crazy. And then I might go to Canada and throttle the IDIOTS who wrote our computer program.
01:39:37 PM,Thursday 26 July 2007
When they hired Daynah, it was sort of as an extra thing; we were mostly staffed okay. As such, Daynah spent several months being quasi-trained, but mostly sitting around, bored. They are interviewing someone today, and we are now in desperate need of a person for that position. Hiring someone for that position will, at least a little, in the long run, reduce my workload. I'm sure Maria realizes this; I wonder, though, if we'll do a rushed training, or no training, or what.
10:15:32 AM,Thursday 26 July 2007
In my work at getting over being chronically late, when I do something for the first time, I try to get there early. I will leave with an extra 15 minutes to half an hour, in case I get lost or whatever. However, if it's something like a job interview, I would never knock on the door half an hour early. I would go across the street and get a coffee and read my book and then show up 5-10 minutes early.
09:32:52 AM,Thursday 26 July 2007
I got to the bus stop this evening at least 10 minutes before the bus was supposed to get there, and more than half an hour later I took a different bus that would at least take me to my metro station, where I could sit on a bench in instead of standing in heels to wait for the bus that takes me home. Or take a cab, which is what I wound up doing, cause I was sick of waiting.
09:40:33 PM,Wednesday 25 July 2007
So, I accidentally hit some combination of keys on with a giant stack of paper. It rotated my screen 90 degrees. Totally bizarre. I couldn't figure out how to fix it, so I hit my keyboard a couple more times with my giant stack of paper and voila! Fixed!
06:07:43 PM,Wednesday 25 July 2007
This is my lace project which I currently adore working on. Also, it struck me as a more interesting photo subject for experimenting with my camera phone and blogging than, say, my foot would be. _
(2) 01:51:14 PM,Wednesday 25 July 2007