Tori's Bloglet

In my new office, I can hear the phones ringing in the office suite downstairs. It's totally odd. It is as clear as if the phone were ringing in the next office over. _
06:01:53 PM, Tuesday 24 July 2007

So, there's this old Simpsons episode where Lisa has mumps and Marge teaches her how to quilt. And Marge shows of her sewing callous. While I'm not quite sure I believe you can get a callous so nice it'll keep quilting needles from stabbing you open, I'm developing quite a callous from my super sharp knitting needles. I love my super sharp needles. I even kind of like that I have a hole in my finger from them. And rock hard skin. _
02:52:19 PM, Tuesday 24 July 2007

Power cord replaced. Hurrah! _
08:56:10 PM, Monday 23 July 2007

Yesterday was the first time I worked on my nifty lace in my greenish-khakiish cargo pants (I wear these pants all the time, so this was actually kind of surprising. The pants and the lace are exactly the same color. It's almost funny. The lace is coming along nicely, although there is one spot where the repeat is off, and I'm not quite sure what happened. Lace, I have decided, is, ultimately, fun. _
04:27:55 PM, Monday 23 July 2007

I'm going to the Apple Store today, where I will cross my fingers and hope that my power cord is still covered under my warantee. _
04:26:18 PM, Monday 23 July 2007

Sam spent all day yesterday hobbling/limping around, and not wanting to go up (or down) the stairs. He was slowly getting better, I could tell, all day, but we were also doing things like cuddling him and carrying him, so he was milking that. I decided to call the vet if he was still acting weird today, but today he was back to bounding around. So, whatever was wrong with him, he's better now. _
09:17:33 AM, Monday 23 July 2007

The power cord for my laptop has truly broken now. Until last night I could sort of wrench it around and make it work, at least most of the time. I have, fortunately, managed to book an appointment at the Apple Store. I considered just going and saying "Look! Broken!" Maybe I will, yet, as it's not til tomorrow. _
09:12:35 AM, Sunday 22 July 2007

The question with having house-guests for me always turns into whether or not they are hoopy froods. Fortunately, Brianne found a bunch of towels in the basement which may or may not be mine. As I am the only person currently living in the house who has currently thinks they own at least one white towel (it was a small pile of clean white towels that she came upstairs with), I figure they are probably mine. Or else they are Gina's and she left them here. But then I don't know what happened to any white towels that I may or may not have owned at some point. So they are mine. My roommates both only have towels of one color. I have at least 2 white towels, two lavendar towels, and two dark green towels. _
09:30:32 AM, Friday 20 July 2007

So, I now have free unlimited picture/text/video messaging on my cell phone, which is new and exciting. So I thought I'd look up how Julia does the photoblogging thing from her phone, and, as I started looking at this before 7 (I was up before 7 because The Dog was up before 7 and rather than just trying to get me to play he started making wretching noises, I was up and had stuck him in the yard), I couldn't for the life of me figure it out. Help? _
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09:27:13 AM, Friday 20 July 2007

I feel boring. _
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05:34:32 PM, Thursday 19 July 2007

I am developing quite a callous on my pointer finger on my right hand from the needles I am using for socks. _
11:58:45 AM, Thursday 19 July 2007

It is interesting that you can sleep, comfortably, in such a position that when you wake up you have a horrible crick in your neck. _
08:49:26 AM, Thursday 19 July 2007

Proposed by Connor and me last night...Harry dies early (like chapter 2) and Neville winds up being the hero. It was nearly called Harry Potter and Neville's Big Day. _
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08:48:54 AM, Thursday 19 July 2007

So, after my lunch of Chex Mix and M&Ms (I took Brianne's beef filled Chinese leftovers instead of my tofu) and crashing hard at work, I went off to the yarn store to hang out and knit. And then afterwards I ran into the sushi place next door and got a bubble tea and a cucumber salad (and inari, but the inari turned out to be icky). I swear, I could feel the healthy calories from the cucumbers seeping out through my stomach. I really need to eat better. Yesterday I didn't have time to eat. _
10:07:05 PM, Wednesday 18 July 2007

I realized for the second or third time that I was reading my lace pattern incorrectly and tore it out to start over. This was sad. (But not as sad as no food.) I will have to start over yet again. _
04:54:12 PM, Wednesday 18 July 2007

So, my lunch today was going to be leftover Chinese and a nectarine. The nectarine was two or three days old, and had pushed it's limits and was thrown away (sadly). The Chinese turned out to have been Brianne's leftovers and was therefore full of beef. I nearly cried. So, instead, today lunch was Chex Mix and M&Ms. _
04:53:28 PM, Wednesday 18 July 2007

Polar Bear Clubs could take on a whole new meaning. _
12:09:55 PM, Wednesday 18 July 2007

Despite the fact that I worked 10 hours yesterday (we are doing 9 hour days Monday - Thursday and closing at noon on Fridays for the rest of the summer, and then I worked instead of eating lunch yesterday) I will still not be finished with Payroll "on time". _
08:41:42 AM, Wednesday 18 July 2007

I love mint water. It is one of the awesomest things that the struggling coffee shop across from my office sells. (Their coffee is also tasty. And she listened to me complain about the fact that there were never any vegetarian lunches, and started ordering vegetarian salads. And their muffins are tasty.) _
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03:00:20 PM, Thursday 12 July 2007

When we went to Harry Potter last night we didn't have time for dinner first, so we were starving, and I got popcorn and a soda. I still feel like I ate too much salt. And also I didn't cook dinner, yet again, so, yet again, I have to figure out what to eat for lunch that is not leftovers from last night. _
11:30:33 AM, Thursday 12 July 2007

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bloglet script by Moss Collum