Tori's Bloglet

I gave the 9 year old boy bookwork The Book of Three and The Phantom Tollbooth. The cover of The Book of Three had a picture of the scary horned guy who's the bad guy (I don't remember the name). Anyway, the kid doesn't read books he thinks are scary. He read the first Harry Potter book, and got about to the point in Chamber of Secrets where Harry is hearing voices that no one else can can hear. Anyway, so he opens the book (which, apparently, I was the only person there who'd read it) and his mom says "that looks really scary" to him. It's like, oh, great, so now he's not going to read the book, cause his mom thinks it looks like it's going to be scary. I wish I could've found a copy like the one I had, where it was Taran and Eilonwy and Gurgi, and didn't look scary at all. _
01:22:40 PM, Thursday 23 December 2004

Ways to go nuts: go to the mall three days before Christmas to buy a present for an incredibly picky and tactless person (a person who will actually say when she opens presents that she doesn't like it, or who will go back into a hairdressers to tell them that she thinks the haircut is awful) and your stepsister and her husband, who will be nice and gracious, but who you don't know well at all. We wound up getting a pink scarf for the first person, and an eyemask and rolling massage thing and a gel candle I made for the stepsister and High Fidelity for her husband. _
10:19:04 AM, Thursday 23 December 2004

The Oxford University Press has the Great Scott on sale for $70. _
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01:53:26 PM, Wednesday 22 December 2004

Harry Potter 6 will be released July 16. _
08:09:34 AM, Tuesday 21 December 2004

I have 10 gmail invites this morning. What in the world am I going to do with them? I was sitting there with five not knowing what to do! _
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08:09:08 AM, Tuesday 21 December 2004

Connor is burning CDs for Jyles, mixed ones, full of songs Jyles asked for. Listening to the songs, as Connor burns them, they're full of songs I liked back when I listened to the radio regularly. I wonder what happened to the radio, and popular music. Stupid music changes. _
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05:02:13 PM, Friday 17 December 2004

So, I'm supposed go to buy a book or two for a nine year old boy bookworm, do you have any suggestions?My mom's office is on the 11th floor of one of two buildings in Manchester that are particularly tall and skyscraperish (it's a 20 story building, so it's probably not actually a skyscraper). Her view is amazing. Manchester from up high is gorgeous and looks incredibly New England. _
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03:53:59 PM, Friday 17 December 2004

Because my parents will be giving me a puppy when there are puppies (we are thinking that I will get a puppy in like March), they are giving me puppy toys for Christmas (and food, and bowls, and so forth). My mom had Greenies and hoofs in the suitcase of Christmas presents, and Nattie realized this and tried to get them out. Nattie knows how to do a zipper, this is impressive. Then we moved them into a box in the closet, but left the door open, and she was still trying to get them. So we closed the door and gave her some out of the drawer where we keep the treats for Nattie and Ellie. _
02:42:15 PM, Monday 13 December 2004

Meteor shower tonight. _
01:43:07 PM, Monday 13 December 2004

We were going to go to a movie and then to wander around Rittenhouse Sqaure to look at lights. Then we sort of accidentally ran a red light we didn't see, and wound up sitting there for like half an hour while the policeman tried to figure out what to do about the ticket. He kept changing his mind. And as Mari had forgotten her driver's lisence, it took longer. By the time we found the movie theatre, the movie had started ten minutes ago, and that was the last showing, and we would've still had to find tickets. So we bagged the movie, and went to look at lights and get dessert. Rittenhouse Square has these things that are like Christmas tree balls, only it's all a bunch of coloured lights all over the trees. They are totally cool. And this very large Christmas tree (which has white lights on it and nothing else) in the middle. Then we began our search for a restaurant (nota bar, a restaurant) that was open, and serving dessert. We were surrounded by bars and closed stores (we walked by several lucious looking bakeries. There was one with this totally huge gingerbread house in the window. It was the coolest gingerbread house. The roof was covered with frosted mini wheets) and we eventually found a coffee shop attached to the Raddison which was open and served lucious looking desserts. And coffees. The lights in Rittenhouse made us think of Harry Potter, and she had never seen the third movie, and since I had it at home, we'd decided to come home and watch it, after we ate lucious desserts. The coffees we had with our desserts was a brilliant idea, as we both nearly fell asleep during the movie. I wound up buying a thing of Pumpkin Spice coffee syrup, cause Pumpkin Spice lattes are one of the best parts of fall and it was less than $5 (and they had no gingerbread syrup). And the movie was fun. We had to park her car way far away, and we wound up calling the branch of the police that just (dude! crazy thing just ran across the screen on, cause I'd left it alone too long) rides bikes around to make sure people are okay and they do walking escorts if you call them up and say "hey, can you walk me to my car?" cause it's really not the safest neighbourhood to walk around in by yourself at night. _
02:50:02 AM, Sunday 12 December 2004

Every once in a while Netflix gives me recommendations of anime series that I've never heard of. When I was in the middle of watching Utena from them, that made sense. But that was months ago, and while we've been watching mainly TV on DVD from Netflix for a while now, it's all been American real people stuff. So I really don't understand. _
12:08:29 PM, Saturday 11 December 2004

If Mari bails on me again tonight, I wil cry. _
12:04:52 PM, Saturday 11 December 2004

I found this while searching for someplace in Manchester to get my mom's dogs groomed. _
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12:28:10 PM, Friday 10 December 2004

Don't you think that Bartlett would know that Beowulf was written in Old English, not Middle English, and that high schooler's couldn't read the original? I mean, sure, the writers probably meant Canterbury Tales, but, really. _
05:38:28 PM, Thursday 9 December 2004

Watching Smallville this evening:
Roommate: "Wow, is the implication that they're having sex?"
me: "Yes."
R: On the WB?
me: "Um...Yes?"
R: "Buffy never had sex!"
me: "What? Buffy had sex!"
R: "Yeah, in like the last season when she was like 90."
m: "But like the whole big thing in the second season was that she and Angel had sex and he went all evil."
R: "They were just kissing."
me: "No, no, they weren't. And then there was the being like bunnies with Riley, and then Spike...Buffy had sex." _
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01:05:29 AM, Thursday 9 December 2004

What happens if you quit AIM while posting an entry with the blogbot? _
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09:00:53 AM, Tuesday 7 December 2004

I changed my background from the very dark picture I had from Nate of Old Faithful at Night to one of Cassie's marlbe pictures. When my computer turned on this morning I thought for a second that it wasn't mine/something was wrong. _
09:00:39 AM, Tuesday 7 December 2004

Everytime I open the dishwasher, I feel like my mom. My mom has ingrained on my family the best way to load our dishwasher, and I haven't been able to let go of it. Also, Molly doesn't seem to realize that you have to rinse your dishes off before putting them in the dishwasher or else the food will just get cooked on and nasty. I need to talk to her about it, cause it's driving me nuts. _
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08:47:36 AM, Tuesday 7 December 2004

Mari showed up to apologize for not going out on Saturday, turns out she had to work later than she thought, and then her car wouldn't start and AAA took forever. And she brought me cookies, from the best cookie place ever. She works out in King of Prussia, and Bryn Mawr is (sort of) on the way back here, and she got me cookies from Hope's Cookies. When we lived in Bryn Mawr, we would get cookies from Hope's Cookies. They sold the dough, but your cookies at home never came out quite as wonderfully soft and delicious as hers. Anyway. It was very sweet. We are going to go downtown on Thursday. _
01:30:05 AM, Tuesday 7 December 2004

My mouth tastes like plastic. I wonder if people's mouths didn't taste like plastic when they were nervous before there was plastic, or if it did, but they didn't know that at some point we would invent something that tastes like that. Fucking exam. I wish I was tired enough to fall asleep. Shouldn't have had coffee and then tea, although that was hours and hours ago, and it really should've worn off by now. _
01:27:02 AM, Tuesday 7 December 2004

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bloglet script by Moss Collum