Tori's Bloglet

Part of me really wants to go see the new Matrix movie tomorrow. And part of me is willing to wait. And part of me is all lonely, cause I can't find anyone to go with me. _
11:50:56 PM, Tuesday 4 November 2003

Yesterday, as I drove home from Nate and Rebekah's, I put in the CD that I'd listened to almost exclusively while I played Pharoah this summer. I do like the CD, but listening to it, I sort of thought of it as the soundtrack to the game. _
12:56:41 AM, Tuesday 4 November 2003

You can order Halloween shaped candy molds from the internet. Which is nice to know, in case I ever actually do make the cakes Rebekah and I were talking about. _
11:15:18 PM, Sunday 2 November 2003

Because I was unable to motivate myself to actually sew this morning like I said I would (said to myself, and also to Tracy), I discovered that I still fit into a pair of pants that hasn't fit since sometime sophomore year. So I will go as a hippie to Nate and Rebekah's Halloween party. _
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10:12:12 AM, Friday 31 October 2003

My name is now on all my pottery tools (except the sponge). _
12:34:42 AM, Friday 31 October 2003

I really don't feel like sewing. This is the perpetual story of Tori's costume, which she was supposed to wear to the Ren Faire last weekend, and didn't. _
12:34:06 AM, Friday 31 October 2003

Maybe I can fit into my hippie pants again, and I can go as a hippie to Nate's party. _
12:33:39 AM, Friday 31 October 2003

My brother won't lend me his portable CD player to take to Virginia with me.Which I'm a bit annoyed about.So I'm going to go off and get myself one on my way down. _
11:33:40 PM, Thursday 30 October 2003

I miss Carter and want him to come back from Africa already. _
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11:30:26 PM, Thursday 30 October 2003

Hearing only one side of an interesting, but probably private, conversation (due to one person being on the phone) is always weird. _
07:17:36 PM, Thursday 30 October 2003

I love Rufus Wainwright. _
10:08:33 AM, Thursday 30 October 2003

In this area, they do this perverse thing of not trick-or-treating on Halloween. I think the date is actually rather random, and each township would trick-or-treat on different days. (That rocked, cause we'd trick-or-treat three days in a row.) Then the townships all got together and decided that trick-or-treating should always be on the last Thursday before the time is changed, between the hours of 6 and 9, or 6 and 8, or something (and people really stick to this, they will refuse to give you candy if you show up outside those times). Anyway, the reasons, as I heard them, were "if Halloween is on a Friday, then there might be a high school football game, and the high schoolers might accidentally hit a trick-or-treater" and Thrusday before the time changes cause of light. And you're not supposed to trick or treat after your 14. It's all really incredibly stupid. _
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10:01:58 AM, Thursday 30 October 2003

So, my pottery tools went missing last Wednesday. Yesterday, I bought new ones, and as I was ripping the plastic they came in to shreds (cause I couldn't get the damn things out any other way) a girl came wandering by talking about how she was missing stuff from her set of tools, and I realized they were mine. I felt a little silly, but she said she'd buy them from me, cause they were mine, and she can't find hers. _
11:16:39 PM, Wednesday 29 October 2003

I am used to seeing things like the Simpsons and other Fox shows, and then occasionally Friends, on the TVs they have up around Kclingers, but today there was Angel, and I was all confused. _
11:07:47 PM, Wednesday 29 October 2003

Every time I see Keira Knightly in a preview, I think she's Winona Ryder. _
09:56:21 AM, Wednesday 29 October 2003

Marija and I were discussing this yesterday: was Jesus born with or without original sin? She thought he was, because he was born of woman, and I thought he wasn't because he wasn't conceived through sex. I'm not entirely sure why were wer arguing this. So, um, those of you better versed in religion than I, was Jesus born with original sin? And what precisely is original sin? _
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10:18:02 AM, Tuesday 28 October 2003

I can't get shuffle to turn off on Winamp. _
10:14:48 AM, Tuesday 28 October 2003

Elliot Smith's death may no thave made Morning Edition, but it did at least make it onto EW's website. _
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08:35:43 PM, Sunday 26 October 2003

We had this terrifying time at the Ren Faire today when we couldn't find Katherine. _
08:26:16 PM, Sunday 26 October 2003

I'd never seen a picture of Rufus Wainright before I found one at Borders tonight. So I hadn't realized that he was young and cute. _
08:25:24 PM, Sunday 26 October 2003

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bloglet script by Moss Collum