Tori's Bloglet

Do we do many experiments both junior and senior year? _
01:37:27 AM, Friday 18 October 2002

Every once in a while, I'll listen to a Dan Bern song, and it hits me. Like, once in a while when he's serious, it hits, and...It's like watching The Truman Show and realizing that Jim Carrey can do more than things like Ace Venture or The Mask. It's the song "Lithuania" that usually particularly hits me; most of the others that are about something serious tend to date themselves (I'm thinking of "Kids Prayer"), but... _
12:44:44 AM, Friday 18 October 2002

Orispheres are cool. _
12:36:25 AM, Friday 18 October 2002

People are disturbed that we're organizing a game where people run around and pretend to kill each other, particularly because of this sniper person who is going around killing people. I don't really know how ot respond to this. _
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04:40:10 PM, Thursday 17 October 2002

I find it extremely amusing when I get a popup that is made to look as though it's a window, but it's definately a Windows window. _
08:47:09 AM, Wednesday 16 October 2002

On retrospect, I think it's possible that I didn't pick up on the incest tension in The Winter Prince when I first read it because I'd been reading too much in the way of Greek tragedy (although it wasn't til much later that I read Oedipus Rex). Greek tragedy does interesting things to what registers as "wrong" in your mind while reading. _
08:45:42 AM, Wednesday 16 October 2002

If you use an electron microscope, can you see the electron jumping from orbit to orbit? _
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06:15:12 PM, Tuesday 15 October 2002

So, when my mom picked me up to go home, she bought me books. Kierkegaard, and the Euripides for my precept. I said to Megan, can I have those Euripides there? And she said sure, and put a pile of three Euripides down, and we paid for them and left. We went back to my room, and I sat down, and wrote my name in all of them, as I do with books. And then, since we were going to try to go eat at the new fondue restaurant (which is apparently always packed, and you have to make a reservation to actually eat there), we left my new pile of books, except for Fear and Trembling on my bed and went back to PA. Last night when I was unpacking and putting books away, I was putting away all the books I brought back from home, and then I grabbed the Euripides and Kierkegaard off my bed and put them on a shelf. Then I stood there and tried to organize my Euripides, and couldn't for the life of me figure out why I had no Euripides IV when I clearly had 5 books, and then I looked at them a little longer and realized I had two Euripdes IIIs and now IVs. So I didn't know what to do. Aidan told me I probalby couldn't return it, what with not having a receipt anymore, and having written my name in pen in it. So I was feeling generally mystified and didn't know what to do. So I asked a girl in my language class who's going to be in my precept if she would mind terribly getting two copies of Euripides IV and then trading one for the other, and she said that sounded fine, so I solved my problem, and this makes me happy. _
06:13:06 PM, Tuesday 15 October 2002

I woke up periodically during the night, feeling sick to my stomach. At some point I stumbled off to the bathroom and threw up. I thought maybe it was over. But I just woke up, and stumbled back into the bathroom and threw up again. I think I'm going to go see the nurse. _
08:27:44 AM, Tuesday 15 October 2002

I copied my family's copy of No Need to Argue and my brother's copy of Siamese Dream. This makes me happy. I'd been wanting to listen to No Need to Argue for like a month. And I made cool labels for the CD's, with pictures I found on the computer. I think the winter scene looks right for Siamese Dream, although the lily on the Cranberries was more because I thought the pictures was pretty than because I thought it fit. _
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01:07:54 AM, Tuesday 15 October 2002

I am nearly finished with the sweater my birthday sweater. (My mom gave me yarn for making a sweater I'd a pattern for.) This makes me extremely happy. I'd been hoping to be able to wear it when it got to real sweater weather, cause it's really pretty, and I'm proud of it. _
12:40:36 AM, Tuesday 15 October 2002

Somehow, in all the times I'd read The Winter Prince previous to my rereading it this past weekend, I never picked up quite on the incestuous sexual tension. It amazed me when I read it this weekend that it was published as a Young Adult novel. _
12:37:34 AM, Tuesday 15 October 2002

My brother and stepdad bought an optical wireless mouse this afternoon. It's a crazy little thing, which I found could be used across the room. _
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08:14:14 PM, Saturday 12 October 2002

All in all it's a strange morning. My toothpaste tasted all weird and gingermint-y rather than all lemon-lime-baking-soda-y, and my witch hazel smells all peach-y rather than rose-y. _
11:02:00 AM, Saturday 12 October 2002

Wow, this DSL thing is very very nice. _
11:54:19 PM, Friday 11 October 2002

Home I am. Our little dog has gotten much bigger. So much bigger, and poofier, cause her hair grew out, that I only knew it was she because of her colouring. _
11:53:20 PM, Friday 11 October 2002

How many people do you suppose you actually need for a game of Assassins? We have somewhere around 20. _
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11:48:36 AM, Friday 11 October 2002

Last night I discovered that my computer has a graphing calculator. I had no idea this was there. Actually, no, I lied. I found out that my computer has a graphing calculator when I had it down at Computer Services and we were all trying to figure out why it wasn't going online. Last night I actually sat down and played with my graphing calculator, but I didn't know what I was doing. So I found that it had these built in examples, and they were really really cool. _
12:17:14 AM, Wednesday 9 October 2002

Poor Dom. Poor poor Dom. _
12:15:13 AM, Wednesday 9 October 2002

Dude! I just found a sort of explanation for what happened to Damar between The Hero and the Crown and The Blue Sword that caused it to go from, you know, happy, wooded land, to desert! There's an explanation in her book of short stories coming out sometime soon! _
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07:37:07 PM, Tuesday 8 October 2002

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bloglet script by Moss Collum