Tori's Bloglet

Do monarch caterpillars eat fennel, or is it a lookalike that's out on my fennel right now? _
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05:55:55 PM, Monday 22 July 2002

So, shortly before I came home for the summer, my brother bought a new computer. It seemed like a nifty machine. And then this past week the harddrive broke. It was a bit odd and scary. They are sending us a new one. _
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10:49:42 AM, Sunday 21 July 2002

My sister played this ( last night. This aired on September 11th at something like ten to nine. _
10:30:41 AM, Sunday 21 July 2002

"Son, this is hard to tell you, but even with just about anything as an oppurtonity for you, you cannot grow up to be a miniature black man. Or a post-gravid woman."--Jim _
10:41:41 PM, Friday 12 July 2002

I drove to work this morning listening to the Counting Crows. I used to love the Counting Crows. And then I bought Recovering the Satellites and went "yick" and sort of stopped listening to them. I like the live one, or at least I like the stuff that's from August and Everything After that's on the live one. I bought the third one out of curiousity, to see if it's better than the second one had been, and I'm not sure I ever listend to it. I liked the Dave McKean pictures though. And I wonder what happened, why they suddenly stopped being so good. _
11:00:25 PM, Tuesday 9 July 2002

This morning/early afternoon the electrician came, and he fixed lots of things, including the light in my room, which was no longer really attatched to the ceiling, except by a wire, and was sparking and blowing the circuit when you tried to turn it on. It makes me happy. _
03:51:45 PM, Tuesday 2 July 2002

So, I went off to spend the past few days in New Jersey at my dad's house, and we travelled up to Boston for a reunion on Saturday, and then we did little touristy stuff in Boston on Sunday (we tried to go to the MIT Coop to buy Kevin an MIT shirt, and so he could get one for Chris, who was doing EMT training in Virginia, but it was closed, and we were going to go see the USS Constitution, but security was ridiculous, and then we were going to go to this globe thing at the Christian Science centre, but it was closed). They tried to teach me how to water ski, and usually I flop onto my face, but occasionally I can get up for a full five seconds before I flop onto my face. Kevin brought his girlfriend, and she seems really sweet. On Sunday, Kevin and I realized that she and Gus went to the same high school. The reunion was interesting. It's a Catholic family, so in my grandfather's generation there were 13 kids (14, techincally, but one died as a baby) and most of them had bunches and bunches of kids. There aren't a whole lot of kids in the same age group as me, just Brian, really, (Brian is a first cousin) no second cousins my age, and we don't really know any of my dad's cousins. My dad does, of course, but we don't. We had name tags, colour coded by person in my grandfather's generation, which was a good idea. We all got a kick out of there being nearly 150 people there who all knew how to both pronounce and spell "Tyrrell." Brian looks so much like our great grandfather it was weird, and eventually one our parents' cousins dragged him out next to the portrait of our greatgrandfather, and then everyone who passed by was dragged over to a "doesn't Brian look just like Thomas Tyrrell?" My brother Connor does a bit as well, which he thought was funny, and didn't really believe, but later he looked at a picture (taken with his camera) of himself and me and our sister and thought that he was Brian. _
12:41:41 AM, Tuesday 2 July 2002

We learned yesterday, when one of our phone lines went down and the guy to install the satellite for our satellite internet connection didn't show up (yes, it didn't work the first time) that they were switching our phone switches yesterday, and so we will be able to get DSL in our area, which we were never able to do before. Also, our phone lines should be getting much nicer and cleaner: presumably, we will no longer hear other people's conversations. And if we go with this company, Epix (who seem to be much nicer to us lately than Earthlink, who told us we had to mail the satellite back to them, at our own expense, or they would give us no refund on any of our money), they will give us a free digital camera. _
08:18:55 AM, Tuesday 25 June 2002

The sunflowers I planted on Tuesday are starting to come up. They are teensy tiny little green shoots, but they came up with the sunflower seed case still on them, so I'm going ot make this crazy assumption that they are in fact sunflowers. _
11:04:58 PM, Saturday 22 June 2002

My brother and his hiking friends split into two groups of two yesterday. Presumably, cause my brother's girlfriend was feeling tired and wanted to go more slowly, and my brother stuck with her. The first group accidentally went down a split in the trail, and so they waited for a while, and Connor and Erin never showed up. Austin left Dan where they were in the woods, and went off to try to find Connor and Erin. He then called my dad, cause their end destination is my dad's house, so they aren't terribly far. Eventually, Austin and Dan realized what they'd done, and at about 5:30 they were on mile 6 of the 13 miles they were supposed to be hiking that day. Still, no one had heard from Connor and Erin. Eventually, around 7 or 8, Connor called, either us or Dad or Austin's mom dee or someone, and we got a call saying that Connor and Erin were happy and safe at the shelter, Austin and Dan weren't at the shelter yet, but they were going to stay at the shelter until Austin and Dan showed up. _
07:41:10 AM, Friday 21 June 2002

I just reread Skinny Legs and All which I didn't particularly care for either time I read it. The revelations at the end are spoonfed, and Ellen Cherry wasn't nearly as appealing as Leigh Cheri or Amanda or even Priscilla the Genius Waitress. It has, however, left me with a sort of romantasized image of waitressing, even though Ellen Cherry was really only waitressing cause it would make her money, and I've waited tables before. Belly dancing as well. Both things I want to be doing. _
10:17:16 PM, Thursday 20 June 2002

Rusted Root would so make a great way to wake up. I wish I knew where my Rusted Root CDs are. _
10:11:54 PM, Thursday 20 June 2002

So, I called Fridays back, and said, hey, what's up with me working for you? And he said, oh, well, we just started a class of servers, but we're doing another one in a few weeks, and I'd like you to be in that, so...YAY!!!! _
04:26:23 PM, Thursday 20 June 2002

Can someone please explain when it became our business to create a Palestinian state? _
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10:48:45 PM, Wednesday 19 June 2002

Also, I found the vanilla mints I'd looked for unsuccesfully at Fresh Fields. Yeah, go Avatars. _
07:57:26 PM, Monday 17 June 2002

So, since I talked to Bobby who hires servers to ask if I could serve and he said they had too many servers as is, they hired three new servers. I'm extraordinarly peeved, and am looking for a new job. Stupid people.

On the plus side, I planted sunflowers this evening. _
07:54:52 PM, Monday 17 June 2002

So, this evening I went back to work to run food a bit more. Loads of fun. Ick. Still hate my job. The people are nice, and they all seem to think I'm awesome: the cooks think I'm sweet and are nice to me, and the servers think I'm awesome cause I do like half of their work for them. But other than that I'm rather miserable, and last night I applied for a waitressing job at the restaurant across the street which is as busy/busier than we are, and I think the prices are about comperable. Anyway, they gave me free food to take home with me (I got an eggplant parmasean, but I don't know if I'm going to eat it of if my brother's going to eat it). Then I went bowling with my friends Jancey and Aaron. God, do we all suck at bowling. I got two strikes, but I also got a lot of gutter balls. I wound up with a score of 71. Then we played pool, and Aaron and were atrocious at pool. Jancey said she was bad, but she wasn't bad at all, and she even pulled off one of those shots where you sit on the table and shoot it behind your back. Ah well. It was fun, nonetheless. My brother has a soccer tournament this weekend in Deleware, and we are going off tomorrow morning. _
11:34:48 PM, Friday 14 June 2002

My brother is preparing for a five day hike on the Appalachian Trail, ending at my dad's house. Someone is dropping them off near New Jersey, or maybe in New Jersey, and they will hike 50 miles and show up at my dad's door, and hang out there for a few days, and then they will be picked up and taken home. There's all sorts of food here that's not normally here, cause it's food that can be cooked over a camp fire, or with just boiling water added to it, like instant mashed potatoes and cup of noodles types of thing. Jiffy Pop. They're excited. I think it's sweet. _
04:52:51 PM, Thursday 13 June 2002

I still hate my job. I was talking to one of the waitresses before we got busy, and she was complaining about how she made "no money" last night. She made $130 in tips, she said, and that's no money. Rrr. If I work at night, I make $40, no more, no less. A fifth of what they make, and I do about half of their work. It upsets me.

I know i haven't been blogging much lately, I feel like I have little to say. _
04:05:23 PM, Wednesday 12 June 2002

Yesterday I got cotton fabric in all the colours of the rainbow, and I'm going to make a rainbow skirt. I also got shirts with sleeves to wear when I'm at my dad's house (this is very much like the shirts I got when I went to Turkey). I'm all excited. Particularly about the skirt. I think it'll be very pretty. _
04:12:01 PM, Tuesday 11 June 2002

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