Tori's Bloglet

I think that in these days where catalogues are online as well as showing up in your mailbox, clothes should have on their tag not only who made them, but the name of the style, or a code or something. So that if you want to replace a favourite, or get something in another colour, you could go search on their website for your garment easily. Rather than trying to guess. And even if you aren't online, you could call up their number and say, "hey, I have this ((insert garment name here)) I bought from you, the code is ((whatever the code for that item may be)), do you still stock it, what colours do you have, can I get a black one in ((insert your size here))." I first had this thought while I was trying to figure out which bra in particular it was that I'd bought so I could get another, and the catalogue wasn't particularly helpful. And the shirt I'm wearing today is great, and I'd like to get another one or two in other colours, but I haven't a clue how to find them other than to go to the Lancaster Banana Republic Outlet and hope they still have them. _
07:12:47 PM, Thursday 2 May 2002

Tomorrow for my math class we are to come in with a list of the top ten books/authors. There is some debate as to whether this is "the most important to society" sorts of books or books that are important to us, or the ten books we'd want with us if we were ever stranded on a desert island. We were debating limiting the lists to things we have read at St. John's up to Junior year, and Mr. Datchev wasn't thrilled with this prospect cause he'd want books from Senior year, but that was unfair to us cause we couldn't really say anything about them. And then, in favour of non-Program books, he said something along the lines of "And Pooh, which is really as good a book as they come, don't you agree?" _
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04:32:42 PM, Thursday 2 May 2002

My computer is having memory issues. When I play Civ III, it will tell me it is running out of RAM, and I should go to the Get Info window and increase it's memory allowance, or something like that. And now IE is telling me it doesn't have enough memory to run shockware plugins when I sign out of my email account. And when I tried to defragment my harddrive, it said I didn't have enough free diskspace, which is odd cause I have 1.31 gigs of disk space. _
10:58:40 AM, Thursday 2 May 2002

The only reason why I am sitting here pretending to get ready for lab and not going back to sleep and skipping class is the thought that I only have to do this two more times. That and I have an overdue paper to hand in. _
08:44:54 AM, Wednesday 1 May 2002

The chimpanzee who had managed to type out Hamlet three years before
Was sitting in the third floor office of the driver's license building
Typing out zoning ordinances
Typing out learner's permits
Bored and lonely
--True Revolutionaries, Dan Bern _
11:35:45 PM, Tuesday 30 April 2002

I would just like to say, for everyone out there sick of saying, "Yeah, the basketball school" or "I'm a philosophy major" just when you get totally and utterly sick of people asking the questions that lead to those responses, you run into the most delightful people, completely by accident. You'll be talking to the guy who runs the health food store you've been going to for ever and ever, and the college question comes up, and just as he asks the basketball school question, the woman standing behind you says "oh, are you still a Great Books school?" Or you'll be sitting there between games at your brother's soccer tournament struggling to read Middlemarch cause frankly it's dull, and one of the dads will ask you what you're reading, and you show it to him, and he says, oh, huh, and has not only heard of it, but when he asks for what sort of class you are reading the damn novel, and you start to say your at St. John's, he says, oh, do you still read the hundred great books? And you sit there and wonder, where did 100 come from? And he asks you how many you've read, and so you sit there and start counting off, starting with Homer, and give up before you get to Christmas freshman year. Or in making small talk with customers at the DQ where you're working for the summer, you say that you go to St. John's, and you get a delighted, oh, I wish I'd gone to St. John's, I didn't hear about it till after I'd graduated from college, I went to visit and there were all these kids talking about Epictetus, and I was impressed. And these are all happy situations that just make all those people who ask you how the basketball team is doing a little more tolerable. (Mr. Kalkavage says he has taken to telling them that our basketball team is undefeated.) _
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10:55:04 PM, Tuesday 30 April 2002

I have been reminded today how much I love Dan Bern. He just makes me happy, in an odd sort of way. I've been listening to his album(s) Smartie Mine (double disk) today while I work on papers. I wonder what happened to his girlfriend Martha from this album, cause she isn't on his newest CD, and I've been trying to figure out if they broke up or if she just decided to do solo work rather than back-up vocals for her boyfriend or what. (She has down solo work, I looked her up.) _
10:40:09 PM, Tuesday 30 April 2002

Does anyone else find themselves thinking of how many inches they have left til their paper is finished? _
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10:57:09 AM, Tuesday 30 April 2002

Last night before seminar our tutors reminisced about good Far Side comics. This is partially cause of me; we'd been talking about papers we had to write, and I was talking about our lab paper, which Mr. Barbera doesn't really seem to want. He said we could hand in five pages of pictures with captions, and as I was saying that, the tutors walked in. Mr. Kalkavage said that sounded like a good idea, and that's what he should've told his seniors. And then that well, that's pretty much what they did, so it's okay. And then someone joked that everyone just handed in five pages of Far Side comics, and so they started reminiscing. It was really cute. _
10:11:29 AM, Tuesday 30 April 2002

My throat itches. I hate that. _
11:53:54 PM, Sunday 28 April 2002

I have this thought that doing exams and going home a week earlier would be nice. (My sister's finals are all this coming week, and the home she goes.) For some reason I am sitting here thinking that finals take no work. I don't know where I'm getting this idea, and it's a stupid idea, I know. I really don't want to do my work right now. _
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11:23:16 PM, Sunday 28 April 2002

I am feeling so apathetic. I don't want to write my papers, I don't want to do my homework. I don't particularly want to play computer games, and there aren't any books I have that I particularly want to read. I could go back to Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas, but it's really totally weird. I don't particularly want to be in Annapolis, or Maryland. Home could be nice, but there is stress at home right now, and I don't want to deal with that. I want to get in a car and drive. West could be nice, cause there certainly isn't much East before you hit the water. Or North. West would be nice cause of mountains if I drove long enough, but bad cause if I didn't drive long enough I would get stuck in the middle where it's flat and boring, and North would be nice cause I rather like New England, but I don't know what I'd do when I got to New England. I'm totally broke, so even if I had a car, I wouldn't be able to afford gas money. Going back to the Outer Banks and going swimming would be nice, but the water is probably still cold, and who knows if anything on Ocracoke, which is where I'd want to go, would even be open at this time of year. _
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09:16:34 PM, Sunday 28 April 2002

I want the power to go out so I have a really good excuse for not having a lab paper. _
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07:47:57 PM, Sunday 28 April 2002 _
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07:12:40 PM, Sunday 28 April 2002

My sister has decided that she wants to skip her finals and go home and sew. Frankly, while I have no finals, I can't say i don't agree with her. I want to sew, and I want to grow new pretty flowers. From seeds. I want to actually make my birds of paradise seeds grow. And maybe get other cool rainforest seeds from those rainforest seed people, ones that have pretty flowers, andthat would do cool vines. They have a passion flower. _
03:14:51 PM, Sunday 28 April 2002

bridgie, I must say you look les angry in real life than you do as a lego person. _
01:21:34 AM, Sunday 28 April 2002

Oh, yes, for those of you who aren't here, we won every game today. _
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08:01:50 PM, Saturday 27 April 2002

See, I said it would be sunny. _
09:20:41 AM, Saturday 27 April 2002

I wonder if people's insults on the Nava Academy sign will stop being about Croquet quite so much after this weekend. _
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12:31:44 PM, Friday 26 April 2002

They expect us to write papers this weekend. _
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10:21:26 AM, Friday 26 April 2002

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bloglet script by Moss Collum