Tori's Bloglet

Advancing technologically in Civ III is irksome. I'm not sure if I was unable to build a spaceship before they made me retire because I haven't played the game before, or because they have it broken down into ages and you have discover just about everything in a certain age before they let you move on. I decided to go through with the building a spaceship even though they've made me retire, cause that was how I pulled it off the first time I ever built a spaceship in Civ I and probalby in Civ II as well. I have enough cities that the process of building the spaceship won't be way far too long. _
10:39:46 PM, Saturday 20 April 2002

There is a lilac sitting on my desk that Christian picked right before the woman yelled at us and told us we weren't supposed to pick the lilac bush. It was her yard after all. It is sitting in my champagne flute, cause it was there and available when I was trying to find a cup to put water in for my lilac. _
01:14:17 AM, Saturday 20 April 2002

Jenna, after our D&D game broke up cause we were at a good stopping point as is, when invited to stay at Gabriella's party, "No, sorry, comic strips. We are breaking from reading comics to play D&D." (She and Nat are working their way through Tracy's Sandmans.) _
01:12:53 AM, Saturday 20 April 2002

Yesterday I went outside to finish my seminar reading, cause it was a lovely day. I put my sunscreen in my backpack, cause that seemed like a good idea. And I realized that without a doubt Johanna and I had had the exact same sort of sunscreen I bought the other day this summer, and I carried it down to the beach with me every day in my backpack. _
11:08:03 AM, Friday 19 April 2002

When I wake up in the morning, or if I stay up too late at night, or miss a meal (or eat it later than I was used to), my eyes have problems focusing. Is this a bad sign? _
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10:33:15 AM, Friday 19 April 2002

I ran into Mr. Allanbrook in the coffeeshop today, which I haven't done yet this year. He's really sweet. He asked how school was going, I said it was going well, and he said he knew it would, which is why he gave them hell for me last Spring. Happy happy. _
04:03:59 PM, Wednesday 17 April 2002

It gets warm and all the girls put on skirts. _
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04:02:55 PM, Wednesday 17 April 2002

I have heard that if you have a mild, warm winter, you are going to have a mild, warm summer. With the weather behaving the way it is, I doubt that strongly for this coming year. Fortunately, we are supposed to get thunderstorms, and those will drop the temperature. _
11:10:39 AM, Wednesday 17 April 2002

My oral is at one. I hate orals. Even though I liked this paper, this time around, I hate orals and dread them. I was happy with this paper. I am dreading my tutors thinking it was trite or something. _
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10:28:22 AM, Wednesday 17 April 2002

My sister is going to take Latin next year. This is yet another thing that I did first, that she's going to take up. And this time, instead of everyone ooh-ing and aah-ing over Jamie being cool cause she's doing this impressive thing, they're going to say how, useful, Latin, for someone in a pre-med program. I take Latin and people say things like "that'll be really useful if Julius Caesar comes to town." Rrr. I'm rather pissed off. She wants me to help her learn Latin over the summer, which in and of itself is a joke, as my Latin is nearly non-existant these days. _
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08:51:18 AM, Wednesday 17 April 2002

The red in my hair may currently be thanks to Lady Clairol. My skin, however, has forgotten that most of the red is no longer naturally in my hair, and is still insanely sensitve to the sun. Half a long lab on back campus and a picnic lunch instead of the dining hall, and my face is freckled. At least it isn't red. _
12:41:43 PM, Tuesday 16 April 2002

When my parents showed up on Friday to take me home, we went out to dinner. We went to Joss's, cause they wanted Japanese. Our waitress was bizarre, and had been having a bad day, and snapped at my mom when she brought out the wrong sort of salmon salad and my mom called her on it. That wasn't the point. The point is I got vegetable tempura (or however you spell it), cause I like vegetable tempura. Brocolli and carrots and whatnot. Yum. They had okra as well. I thought this was totally bizarre. A concension to the South, was how I took it. Now, I have no problems with okra. I lived in Texas 'til I was three, and while both of my parents are northerners, a fondness for okra seeped in through the cracks. Like the fondness for shoo-fly pie I got living in Pennsylvania Dutch country for a while, or chicken pot pie not looking anything like a pie. I just thought okra at a Japanese restaurant was odd. _
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07:12:14 PM, Monday 15 April 2002

Did my taxes last night, went off to mail them today. I love triple blossoming cherry trees; I think they look like cotton candy. There are a few growing outside the senate building. I ran into Colin O'Neil at the post office, and lent him my pen so that he could do his taxes. There was this huge line of people standing there with their stuff, and two people working at the post office. One guy came out and said "does anyone just need a date stamp?" No one said anything. I said "well, I just need a penny stamp and a date stamp." And he reached into his pockets and couldn't find a penny stamp. Then he left the front, and came around back and handed me a stamp. It was very cool. So my taxes are off in the mail, financial aid now has a copy of my taxes, but they're still waiting for my parents', and I'm getting a refund of all the federal income tax that was withheld. And now I should go read Guilliver's Travels. _
01:28:02 PM, Monday 15 April 2002

To our utter delight, we got Mr. Barbera to take our lab class outside after our break in the middle of long lab. He said he'd only ever done that once before, and that had ended miserably due to sitting in ant hills. It's such a lovely day. _
01:24:41 PM, Monday 15 April 2002

Season changes are interesting things. I slept with my window wide open last night, and I don't feel all stuffed up cause of cold. Pollen, sure, that'll stuff me up anytime, but I didn't wake up shivering in the night. When I went running off to Hiram's last night I was at the stairs to leave Pinkney before it occurred to me that it was pretty warm out and I didn't in fact need my sweater. I like it when the weather changes. I enjoy getting annoyed with myself for dressing entirely wrongly for the weather outside, for going outside in a coat when it's warm or in short sleeves when it's getting cold. At home the peach trees were blooming, and most of the cherry trees were in more bloom than they are here anymore. The white things, pears I think, weren't quite as in bloom, but some apples were. The temperature it is right now according to is 67, which was the high for several weeks. I really like Spring. _
08:42:25 AM, Monday 15 April 2002

Gaming was good. Shortly after I posted the thing about how it probably wasn't happening Hiram called to find out if I was coming, so off I went. Um...Well...Sort of good. The emporerer was killed, as was the head of the other leading mob in the city, both with our stupid samurai's weapons. (Note: This is not a comment on samurai. This is a comment on one of our samurai. The other one is fine and nice we and we like him very much.) The weapons had been removed from us when we walked into the palace, but that is beside the point. Our stupid samurai nearly got himself killed, and we all nearly breathed a sigh of relief, then our suicidal maybe bard ran off to get himself caught and healed our stupid companion. Then we got away and are safe. But yes. That was our evening. Oh, yes, I nearly died falling off a rope when we were trying to get down from the roof we'd climbed onto in our escape from the palace. _
01:03:04 AM, Monday 15 April 2002

I am going to make this wild crazy assumption that if no one calls me to ask where the hell I am, that I'm not supposed to be gaming at Hiram's tonight. _
10:10:04 PM, Sunday 14 April 2002

I went to an open house for my old school yesterday afternoon. There used to be this slide show that we all knew by heart and thought was campy, except that Beth thought it was lovely. The slides always were lovely, and they still are. They have revamped the thing to be more appealling, so that there are two people, one asking questions and the other answering, with no pictures. This is handy, cause after the slide show we always let parents ask questions, and they always tend towards the same questions and we all get sick of answering those same old questions. And then we did this brief little montage of pictures with this song that we can't get rid of cause Beth thinks it's lovely and we can't tear the whole thing away from her (the rest of us think it's rather a downer song, but that's okay. I still occasionally throw in a vote for Cat Stevens' "If You Wanna Sing Out...) the pictures are of smiley happy children sorts of things. I've seen the old slide show zillions of times. The pictures are still out of the old slideshow, but it's like a best of. The pictures are from forever and ever in the school, from when people who are my age were in diapers. Watching it sometimes makes me almost cry, looking at all of us as little kids. I was clicking through the slides, that was my job, and I generally watched the stop watch to know when to click to the next slide, but sometimes I would look up and there would be a little kid. The first time I really looked up, there were Jancey and Tesia at the piano in the old building, which we left ages ago. They were little little kids at the time, maybe 5 or 6. Jancey was sitting next to me while we were doing this, she is now 16, and Tesia might even be 17. There was a picture of me with short hair, which was about 8 years ago or something. _
09:25:55 PM, Sunday 14 April 2002

Also last night, although this was while I was still awake, I got to that dizzy-ish stage of tipsy-ness off of one glass of wine. I felt foolish. _
07:46:24 PM, Sunday 14 April 2002

Last night I dremt I was going to Turkey again, although this time I wasn't going alone, and I wasn't going to be caring for children. It was an incredibly last minute decision, my sister and my mom and I were going. We were going to go the next day, but we had no tickets. So we went off to this little store, it looked like an old fashioned general store, all wood, and actually sold all sorts of candies and stuff like that, to buy our tickets. Or they sent me to buy the tickets, or something. And then suddenly I realized that my passport had expired, but it wasn't as though my passport had just expired, it had expired months ago (which in the real waking world it did) and I just hadn't renewed it cause it hadn't occured to me that we might leave the country on short notice. They wouldn't sell me a ticket, cause my passport was expired (but yet I was carrying it around, as my only ID). I'm not sure if they wanted to see it cause they wanted to make sure I had a passport or if they wanted to see ID, and so then I was going to go off to DC or Philiadelphia to get a passport in a day, they way I got mine the first time. And then I woke up. _
07:45:24 PM, Sunday 14 April 2002

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bloglet script by Moss Collum