Tori's Bloglet

You're Tori!

Hurray! You're Tori! You sneeze exuberantly! You screech at times, yes, but we can deal with that in moderation. One of these days, we'll stick you into the pendulum pit with a decibel meter and a chromatic tuner and see just how loud and how high you can get. Well, after we run away, of course. Your blog is devoted to the events of your life and to your charming anecdotes. You might not get that many comments, but rest assured, we're reading.
Gosh Darnit, Which Blogledyte Are You?
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10:47:09 AM, Saturday 13 April 2002

I found the link for the "Which Endless Are You" quiz on Neil Gaiman's blog. Now I'm quite curious as to who he turned out to be, if he took it at all. My guess would be Dream, just cause, but you never know. _
08:05:09 PM, Friday 12 April 2002

I don't like translating Moliere. _
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12:50:34 PM, Friday 12 April 2002

Don't want to be awake. _
08:44:53 AM, Friday 12 April 2002

Was talking to my friend Julia, which I haven't done in a while. Not cause we don't along, cause we are currently in a getting along phase (we go in and out of them, and sometimes we can't stand each other), but just cause we hadn't talked in a while; I im'd her to ask her about my lightheadedness, cause I was wondering if was due to the lack of chemically enhanced hormones in my blood-stream. She had no clue, but still, we got to talking. She is going to run for staff at a school much like TCS, only over in California, wehre she is. I think it's Cascade Sudbury School or something along those lines. I think this is very cool. She had been working for Earthlink, but then they moved, and she didn't want to move with them, so then she was working for Borders, and now she is working for Netflix. But the TCS-like school is awesome. Go her. She said she felt like a politician, cause she had to figure out when she could go in, so she could meet the kids, and get them to like her. Yeah. Getting new staff is not usually an easy proposition. _
11:34:27 PM, Thursday 11 April 2002

I mean, it's ridiculous. The Zyrtec seems to have helped a little, or at least I'm not itchy and sneezy right now. But I'm so insanely not in my head. Reading makes my eyes sort of blur. And I'm so so tired. I'm seriously considering skipping lab, if not the rest of my classes as well. _
10:48:28 PM, Thursday 11 April 2002

I want my head to feel normal. _
10:47:05 PM, Thursday 11 April 2002

The day the last Sandman came out, Morning Edition did a little thing about the Sandman and Neil Gaiman. I just remembered that today. My sister woke up to it, and I listened to NPR throughout the rest of Morning Edition hoping to get the repeat of that report, and there it was. _
02:58:33 PM, Thursday 11 April 2002

Zyrtec showed up for me in the mail today, stuck into holes punched in a piece of cardboard labelled "Tori's Zyrtec." This distressed me cause I missed where the Zyrtec was, but then I found it and was delighted. Maybe now my head will normal out a bit. _
12:49:21 PM, Thursday 11 April 2002

I'm Delirium!
Which Member of the Endless Are You? _
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10:44:52 AM, Thursday 11 April 2002

Hurray for me for I have gotten my game to work again. And thank you to Moss for suggesting that I run Norton. I don't know if it actually fixed anything, but now it works, so I can only guess that it did. _
11:52:06 PM, Wednesday 10 April 2002

When my langauge class ended, somehow Audrey's sister's spelling test came up, and that she'd failed it. And I said, "well, I always failed spelling tests." Which then turned into all the girls in my language class talking about how they always failed their spelling tests, and still can't spell. Virginia said she always hated the "well, you read so much, why can't you spell?" And then everyone else was talking about how they'd all been in the top reading groups, but still couldn't spell. All of us. _
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04:18:08 PM, Wednesday 10 April 2002

Running around in the rain was lots of fun. I got all drippy, and my head doesn't feel so weird anymore. Cassie and I did a holding hands and spinny thing and I screamed, and then it occured to me that if I screamed much, being back on back campus and all, people might think I was being mugged or something, and so I tried really hard not to scream. The rain let up a bit, so we started heading back up, then it started coming down harder again and so we tried to find freshmen to join us as freshmen haven't gotten to frolic yet this year, due to lack of rain. Then there was talk of some woman screaming and some man screaming that didn't sound like play screaming, so we looked for them for a bit, and it turned out to be nothing really, and so we continued our search for freshmen, and failed, as they were all being silly watching anime with Tracy or were sleeping. And so we tried to get Katherine, but she was watching anime, so I knocked on Jenna and Kimberly's door, cause they're sweet, and I thought Jenna would have fun, but she wasn't in, but Kimberly was, and eventually she and her boyfriend came out. By which point it wasn't raining pariticularly hard anymore, so we went off to play in a puddle by security, and they thought it was cute and fun, and since they were right there, it didn't matter if I screamed, cause they knew I was playing...And now I have to go read Maxwell, so goodnight. _
12:16:17 AM, Wednesday 10 April 2002

So, as a further update to the stupid computer game issue, I had this idea that it might be my computer not the CD, so I tried installing my game on Isadora's computer, where it installed just fine. Fine and dandy. Much more quickly than it had installed on my computer, but I think her computer is a faster iMac than mine, so that makes sense. I had this brilliant idea that I'd email myself the documents, but then I realized how many there were. And so I stopped. And I'm going to call tech support tomorrow and see what's up and run Norton when I go home this weekend. I am incredibly frustrated. _
11:35:35 PM, Tuesday 9 April 2002

For those who are interested, free one day is on the 22nd. Which is a Monday. _
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08:32:02 PM, Tuesday 9 April 2002

I feel very strange. I'm all lightheaded and I've been very very hungry. I mean, okay, so the dining hall isn't helping in the hungry thing, and the hunger could be leading to the lightheaded, but I was hungry after eating plenty at lunch. Maybe it's the pollen. Rrr. I wonder if I have a fever, cause my head feels vaguely warmish, but that's against my arm and hand, so how can I tell? (Without finding a thermometer, that is.) _
06:26:43 PM, Tuesday 9 April 2002

So, we were sitting there today at lunch, talking with prospectives, and eventually one of them took out her schedule to show it to us, so we could see which tutors she had, as they tend to, and I looked at it, and she was from Bryn Mawr. Now, I practically lived in Bryn Mawr for about three years, and said "hey, I used to live in Rosemont." And she got all excited, and asked where, and I told her the road name, and apparently she lives on my old road. And then I sat there and attempted to explain where my house was, using my three untensils and an orange (the untensils represented the road we both live/lived on as well as the two roads it connects; the orange represented Villanova University's stadium which was on one of the corners, which puts the whole thing into prospective, or at least gives you a sense of direction), and they (okay, so there were sister prospectives; one is actually interested in the school and is 15, so her parents sent her older sister along as a baby sitter for her prospective sister, the older one is 19 and in photography school). It turns out that they had lived next door to my old house, and then they moved to another house a bit down the road. And the older one at least went to Baldwin, where I'd gone, from 5-8 grades. So we didn't actually overlap, but she is my sister's age, and so she probably knows my sister's old friends, and I just think this whole thing is very cool. _
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03:52:33 PM, Tuesday 9 April 2002

With the lack of Zyrtec in my system, all I can really say is thank goodness I'm not terribly allergic to Spring pollens. _
03:36:04 PM, Tuesday 9 April 2002

There is some sort of protest going on, I think. It's very odd. I can't understand a word these people are screaming, although I have this vague thought that they're yelling "seven! eight!" which just doesn't make sense. _
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06:50:06 PM, Monday 8 April 2002

So, I called my dad to thank him for the Easter candy he sent me that showed up on Good Friday. And we got to talking about this weekend, and he won't be particularly upset if I don't come up to NJ with Jamie and Connor this weekend, as it takes forever to get there, and Zeb is in the states, and I want to run around the Harrisburg area and see if places are looking for summer work. I'm thinking it might be cool to work at Borders or Barnes and Noble during the day and then waiting tables at dinner time. _
04:53:36 PM, Monday 8 April 2002

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bloglet script by Moss Collum