--Too Early to Plan--

 Bank of America is rejiggering it's checking accounts.  If you had an existing account, you need to go in and whine, or call and whine, in order to avoid a $6 a month fee.  I don't think it makes me dislike them any more than I already did, it's exactly the sort of thing I expect them to do, and doesn't change the fact they own the ATM down the street. _
04:24:32 PM, Friday 27 May 2011


probably should get the air conditioner out. _
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04:23:41 PM, Friday 27 May 2011


Mickey Kaus in defense of Edwards.   As you might expect, it's a very clever argument.  Campaign finance laws worryingly opaque, and, well, we don't particularly want more ways for politicians to throw their disgraced opponents in prison.  _
02:22:49 PM, Friday 27 May 2011


After staying up late for the last two 2003 all-star team Dallas games, I want a way to watch the NBA finals.  I don't understand why all broadcast television isn't streaming to the internet yet.   Maybe I can get an antenna.  It may be my last chance to watch professional athletes older than me.   _
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02:05:30 PM, Thursday 26 May 2011


I am now deeply curious how my diet would be altered if all we had was an icebox. _
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05:28:14 PM, Wednesday 25 May 2011


Saw the Alewife Peregrine Falcon yesterday. _
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10:58:07 AM, Wednesday 25 May 2011


 Straw poll: who would you rather have as president, Mitt Romney or Tim Pawlenty?  I'm torn.  I liked him when he was my Governor.    But the only way I could vote for him now, even in a Republican primary, is by assuming his blatent insincerity covers someone secretly reasonable, which seems... undemocratic, somehow, and foolhardy.  If one pretends that they are both sincere, Pawlenty may be marginally less horrifying.

Edit: I have now done some more reading, and Pawlenty is much more horrifying than I thought. _
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03:02:15 PM, Tuesday 24 May 2011


 The bad news is that our refrigerator is in the low 60's.  The good news is that it's just the fan that's broken: $200.   The fan had been horribly noisy for a while, hopefully it will now be a happy, quiet refrigerator.  _
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02:42:48 PM, Tuesday 24 May 2011


Trader Joes Masala Lentil Dip is my new favorite pureed pulse food item. _
04:54:35 PM, Monday 23 May 2011


 Turner Falls has a fish ladder where you can watch the fish go past, from some underground glass windows.  It's pretty fascinating, I saw about a dozen shad.   _
01:20:13 PM, Sunday 22 May 2011


 I now have a Bacchetta Giro 20.   I ended up driving to a shop 2 hours away, when I could have bought it just down the street, but so it goes, and if I hadn't tried the other bikes, I would have been worried.  Runner up was the Rans Fusion.  People won't believe me, but being relatively normal appealed to me, but once you get used to a bicycle feeling like a lawn chair, going even halfway back is too difficult.   _
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05:22:15 PM, Saturday 21 May 2011


In general I've overcome my families tendency to extreme frugality, but this bicycle situation is a difficult one.  If my bicycle had just vanished, and I could buy one identical to it for $200 dollars, or a new shiny better one, I would buy the new shiny one.  The trouble  is that it didn't vanish, it's sitting there in my basement wanting to be fixed, and will continue to do so, even if I buy a new one.  And that would be wasteful.  I think the answer is buy a new one, fix the old one, and sell it, not worrying too much about whether the sale covers the price of the repair.  Either that or keep it as an, um, emergency backup bicycle?  See, that's hard to square with my belief that a full attic is failure.  But it's certainly how my family ends up with so much junk.   _
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04:11:11 PM, Friday 20 May 2011


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