My ipod is dead.  I am trying Pandora.  Telling it I liked The Magnetic Fields was a very bad idea, it started playing all sorts of low fi emo whining.  Finding pop music through superficial sonic resemblence may actually be worse than finding it by genre / scene.  So far the only new band it has found for me has been the Toasters, and they don't get all that many points from getting there from Madness.  The more I think about this, the more I think this is exactly wrong.  John Peel is spinning in his grave.  _
respond? (10)
10:01:14 AM, Wednesday 16 December 2009


I'm with Lieberman*.  Medicare buy-in for 55+ didn't make any sense, except in a, ooh, that slope looks slippery, lets stagger in that direction way.  Medicare buy-in for everyone would make a certain amount of sense, if one didn't think Medicare was broken.  I think Medicare is broken.  Now, it isn't by any means the only or even most broken thing in our healthcare system, but it's seriously broken.  It wasn't a sensible alternative to the public option, it was just a random pointless compromise.  If you're too clever for your own good, it had a certain 'smash it so it'll get fixed' appeal.  I am not convinced that's an effective strategy with the federal government. 

*Except for the bit about using this as an excuse for sabotaging healthcare reform. As Ezra says, None of this stuff is vaguely as important as the stuff in the bill everyone agrees on.
respond? (9)
04:12:48 PM, Tuesday 15 December 2009


 News from the town lists:  Plaque bandit strikes Battle Green, is any bronze marker safe?  Child's pet rat dies despite antibiotics.  Green fireball appears in the sky.   _
respond? (14)
12:33:05 PM, Tuesday 15 December 2009


 A pair of interesting climatology posts about unexpected findings in the arctic, a positive feedback loop, and a negative feedback loop.  The cheeriest thought I have about any of this is that we aren't headed anywhere that the world hasn't been before, so I don't see how we could hit a new positive feedback loop that made the earth completely uninhabitable.  So, mass extinctions, sure, but barren rock, no.  Happy thoughts! _
12:08:01 PM, Tuesday 15 December 2009


Widgeon is having an identity crisis.  I have discovered that I am not the only Widgeon.  A name only has to be unique for it's server.  So across the hundreds of parellel worlds, there are 25 Widgeons.  There are 4 Gnome Mages named Widgeon.  The world is a large and bizarre place.

There are also 6 Emsworths, but I'm the only one with a pet pig.   Lecanor, on the other hand, is unique.  (Short for Lecanoromycetes)

respond? (4)
04:00:48 PM, Monday 14 December 2009


Just occasionally I still get taken aback that we actually elected Barack Obama.  My candidate coming in a respectable 3rd in the senate primary seems more like the proper order of things.

05:09:38 PM, Thursday 10 December 2009


 There are 3 people who serve as general IT / desktop support for this office.  They are all named Bill, and all have last names that start with B or O'B. I feel this should be a clue in a Penny Press logic puzzle. _
02:16:49 PM, Thursday 10 December 2009


 Dear World:  While snickerdoodles are undeniably a good idea for a cookie, snickerdoodle is not a flavor.   The word you want is cinnamon.   And those stale starshaped cookielumps you put in the kitchen are not snickerdoodles.  Very slightly relatedly, Erika bought some soy dumpling things at the asian market, only to discover they tasted (deliciously) fishy.  the magic ingredient?  Lizardfish paste.   Lizardfish have teeth on their tongues.  _
respond? (17)
02:34:25 PM, Tuesday 8 December 2009


 Just when you thought Massachusetts politics couldn't get any more condescending: we have a tea-partier running as an independent in the special senate election.  To be expected, except, um, his name is Joe Kennedy (no relation) _
12:27:28 PM, Tuesday 8 December 2009


 election day blah blah Khazai blah vote blah blah. _
respond? (1)
09:34:54 AM, Tuesday 8 December 2009


 Today I learned that spanner isn't standard american english.  I'm thirty-one!  This shouldn't still be happening.  Also, went to plum island and watched Gannets plunge-diving into the surf. _
06:12:51 PM, Sunday 6 December 2009


My favorite doctor name:  Dr. Sunshine.

respond? (6)
11:25:02 AM, Thursday 3 December 2009


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