This Metaphysics disclaimer brings back some memories of freshman seminar. _
respond? (1)
11:37:04 AM, Thursday 29 January 2009


Offer has been made.   Money is imaginary.  Houses are real.  Debt is doubly imaginary.  Work with me here. _
respond? (2)
09:17:48 PM, Tuesday 27 January 2009


Why there are bits of scotch tape all over the desk.  Catchy! _
10:42:26 PM, Monday 26 January 2009


bleh. Paperwork. _
10:41:13 PM, Monday 26 January 2009


Pictures. Not a link, because I'm paranoid about referral logs and seller's agents. I realize this is irrational. _
respond? (7)
10:50:15 AM, Monday 26 January 2009


I like this song. I'm not sure why there's so little religious pop music that works. _
10:15:14 PM, Sunday 25 January 2009


We may have found a house, in East Lexington.  We're going to test the bus commute tomorrow morning.  It'd still only be about 4 miles from work, and it's not far from the bike path, so cycling is completely still an option.  It is on a hill, but those are good for the soul, or the knees, or something.    Today we discovered that Wilson's Farm, a grocery store with a vestigial farm attached, which would be walking distance, mostly through park, sells milk in glass bottles, so that's exciting.  


Buses cause me anxiety.  Always have, probably because they used to take me to school.  I've been printing off bus schedules and going after them with a highlighter.  The only time I took a bus in Ann Arbor, I ended up demoralized and defeated in a bookstore in Ypsi, calling Erika on a payphone to come rescue me.  See, I got on the wrong bus, then got off, and got on one I thought was going the right direction, and well, I was insufficiently prepared.  Not this time.  The fact that the Charlie Cards work for buses removes the fare stress.  Now, excuse me, I need to print off my second-backup route schedule. _
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09:47:49 PM, Sunday 25 January 2009


Ever since the inaugeration, the weather forecast has been for sunshine for the foreseeable future.  Just saying.   _
09:15:50 AM, Thursday 22 January 2009


Fallows reflects on China censoring Obama's inaugural address; CCTV cut to an analyst discussing american economic problems, and the line "those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent — know that you are on the wrong side of history.! somehow didn't make it into the transcript.  Also, I enjoyed the news this morning so much  more than usual.   Transparency and rule of law!  _
09:02:15 AM, Thursday 22 January 2009


One thing I dislike about the current standard blog-design:  the permalinks go to the comment page, not to the blog.  This is particularly catastrophic, when, say, Matt Yglasias blogs about Israel.  That said, Abe Foxman appears to just have come out against fairness. _
06:44:29 PM, Wednesday 21 January 2009


Just because 'unalloyedly' is a word, it doesn't mean it's okay to use it. _
12:13:07 PM, Wednesday 21 January 2009


pine sapling
This is more or less how I'm starting to feel about winter. It's been a nice winter. Very little ice, lots and lots of snow. But I've had just about enough of it. _
07:42:26 PM, Tuesday 20 January 2009


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