We have discovered that Stilton is a necessary component of sweet-potato pizza. _
05:09:34 PM, Sunday 2 November 2008


Apparently suppliers are receiving an awful lot of requests for moose meat, but there are no moose ranches, and it is illegal to sell wild game. _
respond? (1)
09:41:23 AM, Sunday 2 November 2008


I think it's sort of funny that I've ended up in an industry more or less single-handedly created by H. Ross Perot.  He should be remembered as one of the great american geeks.  

We need a list of Great American Geeks. _
07:14:07 PM, Friday 31 October 2008


No Democratic candidate for president has cracked 50% of the popular vote in my lifetime.  Carter got 50.1.  Before that it was LBJ in 1964.   Part of me just doesn't believe it. Also, it's very easy to make this point too strongly, but it looks like meta-racism in the democratic establishment, which was convinced only white southern democrats could appeal to, ahem, Real America, something Kerry's awfulness only reinforced, was a larger barrier for a black candidate than actual racism in the general election.  McCain has turned this election into a real test of Obama's "unyielding faith in the decency and generosity of the American people", a straight choice between hope and fear.  It turns out Mencken may have been wrong, and that our politics was smaller and more cynical than it needed to be.

Note:  I don't believe in bad luck.  I do believe in run-on sentences. _
04:25:45 PM, Thursday 30 October 2008


All together now! Somebody edited together clips from the debates, overlaying the talking points. It reminds me of something I heard once about how TV made comedy much harder, and much less polished, because the same routine couldn't be repeated night after night anymore. Politics as the last stand of vaudeville? It's particularly effective with Obama. I'm not sure whether consistancy in general is a virtue in a politician, but consistancy of inflection to that degree is creepy. _
respond? (3)
09:01:36 AM, Thursday 30 October 2008


So, what should Obama wear for Halloween?  I'd vote for Castro. What would lose him the most votes? _
respond? (3)
12:26:55 PM, Wednesday 29 October 2008


You'll never get anywhere being apologetic for your pretensions. _
06:20:14 PM, Tuesday 28 October 2008


Mcavity's a ginger cat, he's very tall and thin;
You would know him if you saw him, for his eyes are sunken in.

Best wishes to the cat down the road. _
respond? (1)
07:23:01 PM, Monday 27 October 2008


dragonfly on granite
respond? (2)
07:10:15 PM, Monday 27 October 2008


During the winter, they drain the Arlington Reservoir, which hasn't been a reservoir for decades, but rather a swimming hole. This causes a profusion mudflats and ducks. This is where the stream flows in. _
07:02:25 PM, Monday 27 October 2008


More freedom, more happiness _
09:39:54 PM, Friday 24 October 2008


Further thoughts on Question 2:  The trouble with having any product or service being tolerated but illegal is that it creates a flourishing black market, which creates a criminal infrastructure, smuggling routes, police corruption, and on and on.  This is a half-measure, and will probably boost demand so help the black market.  I think it's positive impacts on our prisons and judicial system probably outweighs that, however, we absolutely should not stop with decriminalization.  I assume some of this is a jurisdiction problem.  I still plan to vote yes, especially since I assume it's completely acedemic and doesn't have an earthly chance of passing.  

I see my state rep is on record voting no.   _
respond? (4)
09:53:04 PM, Wednesday 22 October 2008


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