From Logan airport terminal A:

do not leave bags or
valuables unattended

There were two daft intepretations of this sign that amused me greatly at the time. However, I may have been tired. _
05:38:12 PM, Wednesday 20 December 2006


Cell phone dock, that is also a bell, where the cell phone, set on vibrate, is the clapper. _
03:40:55 PM, Sunday 17 December 2006


My day at work:
Meet to discuss how to get data for client #3.
Discuss problems had with processing data for project #1, client #1
dig up subject matter experts for kickoff meeting with client #2 tomorrow, discuss approach.
Sign 40ish christmas cards in gold pen, for clients #1 through #4.
Scavange some bread from the refrigerator from yesterday's christmas party.
forge coworkers signature on cards for clients #1 and #4, using theoretically different handwriting.
meet to discuss agenda for client training on monday for client #1 that none of the 6 of us involved have even vaguely started working on.
Check to see if what I ran last night for project #2, client #1 worked. Write up an email status, listing things yet to be done, and reasserting that I'll be done by monday. I would spend no other time working on this today, allegedly what I'm working on.
Weekly status meeting with client #1, project #1.
Read and summerize materials for kickoff meeting for client #2
Write up and send out agenda for aforementioned training.
Worry about the fact I didn't do what I promised on client #1, project #3, and have been entirely ignoring client #3. _
05:56:26 PM, Thursday 14 December 2006


The sort of thing google doesn't know: Are there more shoes, or feet? If shoes, at what point in history did it happen? _
respond? (36)
06:45:17 PM, Thursday 30 November 2006


Roommate watch:
Tim Carney has a book out, with actual reporting, and a semi-professional pundit blog, about the corrosive influence of business on government. _
respond? (5)
12:01:47 PM, Thursday 30 November 2006


I realize this probably makes me a bad and cruel person, but 2 bald men drove past me this morning in one of those little zippy mercedes convertibles, and it looked for all the world like the wind had taken off their hair. Anyway, it amused me. _
09:38:15 AM, Thursday 30 November 2006


Eh, well, it's right, but I'm suspicious. Does it work for you outlanders?

What American accent do you have?
Your Result: The Northeast

Judging by how you talk you are probably from north Jersey, New York City, Connecticut or Rhode Island. Chances are, if you are from New York City (and not those other places) people would probably be able to tell if they actually heard you speak.

The South
The Inland North
The Midland
The West
North Central
What American accent do you have?
Take More Quizzes
respond? (14)
09:36:03 AM, Tuesday 28 November 2006


I had a dream that I found Martin Gardner's suicide note, which was, of course, cryptic, along with a key, in a leather box, on an island that was littered with washed up pencils that were given to UMich graduates which they all then threw away. _
01:25:34 PM, Monday 27 November 2006


A rebate check showed up! _
02:41:14 PM, Sunday 26 November 2006


outlined fish

respond? (1)
02:41:00 PM, Sunday 26 November 2006


2 tone turtle

respond? (2)
02:39:43 PM, Sunday 26 November 2006


Sid Meier has got the rights back to the railroad tycoon franchise, and Fireaxis has made a new game, Railroads! the demo wasn't very good, and it's too graphics intensive to run happily on my computer. But they've made the original Railroad Tycoon available free, bundled with a dos emulator that actually works. _
02:34:56 PM, Saturday 25 November 2006


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