Tim's Bloglet

They want to control your diversions. How can they name a department so badly? _
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10:59:37 AM, Friday 5 March 2004


Slate has a summary of issues where Kerry has changed positions since he started running. Strikingly enough, in every case I agree with the position he held before he started running for president. I suppose this is a good thing, since they are more likely to represent what he actually thinks, but what a coward. _
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03:19:09 PM, Thursday 4 March 2004


Trying to decide whether to donate money to Kerry. I feel that I should do my part, since I care about the outcome of the race, and this is the only way I can effect it short of actual political activity. But the fact that I feel that I should donate in order to help buy TV ads in sway the heathens in florida, ohio or some other far-flung godforsaken place in order to have my say in the race seems horribly undemocratic. One dollar one vote is a very bad system, and I don't want to encourage it. _
02:26:55 PM, Thursday 4 March 2004


On second thought, I shouldn't link to inconsequential things which exist solely to make me angry. Trust me, you're better off not knowing. _
01:45:51 PM, Wednesday 3 March 2004


So, we have an old motherboard. It has no actual value on the open market, but it still works. It is dusty. Would it be immoral to wash it in the kitchen sink and hang it on the wall? _
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03:27:16 PM, Tuesday 2 March 2004


"A bottle of bottled water held 30 little turtles. It didn't matter that each turtle had to rattle a metal ladle in order to get a little bit of noodles, a total turtle delicacy. The problem was that there were many turtle battles for less than oodles of noodles." Indians learning to speak like Canadians. _
01:34:49 PM, Monday 1 March 2004


Yesterday I cycled to the end of the bike path and back, 10 miles each way, stopping only to buy Kingdom Hearts. Today, the backs of my calves are pinging occasionally. It feels like my tendons are being gently plucked. This worries me. _
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08:42:47 PM, Sunday 29 February 2004


From RI-1040NR, page 11, Schedule V.

A part-year resident is a person who changed his legal residence by moving into or moving out of RI at any time during the year 2003. If you are a part-year resident you should complete this schedule. (...)

If at any time during the year you were not a legal resident of RI, DO NOT COMPLETE THIS SCHEDULE. Complete page 9, schedule III. _
07:15:14 PM, Sunday 29 February 2004


Sergeant Colon was right to worry: Just a week before the latest incident, it was reported that thieves had stolen an 11-metre steel bridge in western Ukraine, cutting a local town off from the outside world. Depressing. You'd like to think civilization was more robust, able to avoid this sort of cannibalism. Who is buying the metal? I suppose this is a symptom of extremely low transportation cost, a black market in infrastructure. _
04:44:59 PM, Sunday 29 February 2004


eep _
05:09:57 AM, Saturday 28 February 2004


If people really loved chocolate, they'd stop debasing it by putting it in such awful cupcakes. _
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03:40:46 PM, Friday 27 February 2004


I'm trying to prevent anyone discovering my birthday, and then I'll bring in cake and such for it myself. I think the world would be a happier place if all workplace birthdays were handled this way. _
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03:29:06 PM, Friday 27 February 2004


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