Tim's Bloglet

I didn't like Chicago. It didn't hurt me the way Moulin Rouge did, but I wasn't happy. They were all very pretty, it was well acted; though I could have done without the Marilyn Monroe impression. The music was the main problem; it was utterly disposable. The only part that will stick with me was the soft-shoe scene with Mr. Cellophane; I'd never seen anything like that before. _
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01:03:32 PM, Friday 3 October 2003


I need to stop writing blog entries and not posting them. I will not let you intimidate me, internet. _
respond? (3)
11:00:09 AM, Friday 3 October 2003


I don't know how to deal with a boss who encourages me to slack off. _
respond? (3)
03:50:58 PM, Thursday 2 October 2003


Typo of the week: Demoninator _
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02:34:52 PM, Monday 29 September 2003


If I may make a recommendation: Covad DSL has been a pleasure to deal with, not least of all because they played Ode to Billie Joe to me when I was waiting for the next available operator. Musak should always be about suicide and death if at all possible. _
10:01:53 AM, Friday 26 September 2003


Hello, I live in Massachusetts; a place that people go out of their way not to spell. I foolishly relinquished my laptop, so that the annoying glitch where it blue-screens if it is turned on while plugged into the network, and haven't seen it since. They tried to switch my phone number from my old temporary office to my new cube, and the phone died, and they can't seem to bring it back to life, so I'm borrowing a vacant office for the day. I have an immense amount of work to do, and am unable to do any of it. This office has two photocopied dilbert cartoons in it, neither of which I find amusing. Dilbert just seems lazy to me; ugly, mean and cheap. Less than a month until the Complete Far Side. _
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09:57:15 AM, Tuesday 23 September 2003


Good lord. The Annapolis Marriot, flooded. I walked past there every day one summer on my way to work in Eastport. _
respond? (2)
03:17:35 PM, Friday 19 September 2003


I find Slate's Corrections page strangely compelling; then again, I am somewhat burnt-out. _
12:12:52 PM, Friday 19 September 2003


I'm torn. I mean, it's neat to have a Atari built into the joystick, but Pong and Breakout without a paddle aren't worthwhile, and I mostly want to play StarMaster. The write-up offends me. Of course arcade classics are more fun to play than today's interactive movies; they had to be. Since they were all originally arcade games, they were designed to be endlessly addicting, while today's games are designed to be one-use only. The sports game may be an exception to this: they rely on people wanting up-to-date rosters to sell the next version. _
08:59:39 PM, Thursday 18 September 2003


In other news, the construction workers are in our bedroom, trying to tear down the chimney. They've got a big plastic sheet on aluminium telescoping posts tented around the fireplace, and are drilling away. The cat is worried. Still no sign of the elevator repairman, and we're planning to move out this weekend. Most furniture has been taken apart (yay modular furniture!) and large quantities of stuff are in boxes. The cat is quite concerned. He's keeping very quiet, and hiding behind my chair. I can't remember the last time he was so good. _
01:03:46 PM, Tuesday 16 September 2003


My computer is having a crisis at the moment. Windows Update was a PR mistake for Microsoft; it means that whenever something goes wrong with any windows computer, people will think, what have I done lately which might have caused this? And the answer will almost always be Windows Update, regardless of whether they deserve the blame. It's a fantastic idea in general, updating the operating system for free, on the fly, it's just a PR mistake.

Currently, it looks like our hard drive is sulking. _
12:57:49 PM, Tuesday 16 September 2003


Favorite actual band name: Half Man Half Biscuit. _
12:51:09 PM, Tuesday 16 September 2003


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