Sarah's Bloglet

Went to a lovely (albeit crowded) party yesterday and hung out in a lovely tree -- the best tree, in fact -- as evinced by Moss and Julia. More pictures to follow. _
11:32:10 AM, Monday 1 May 2006


Arrive: Long Island Islip, 10:30ish pm, June 8th.

Depart: BWI, 5:30ish pm, June 20th.

And I'll be seeing all you eastsiders in between! _
respond? (4)
08:29:12 PM, Thursday 27 April 2006


For Julia: I get dates mixed up all the time. Medjool or Noor? Damian or that guy from the farmer's market? The 25th or the 26th?

I've covered them all now, yes? _
respond? (3)
08:58:05 PM, Wednesday 26 April 2006


Conversation with the date salesman:

Me: I'd like a half pound of the amir hajj dates.
Him: You even know how to pronounce it. Must be because of your boyfriend.
Me: ???
Him: You must have a boyfriend who's knowledgable about dates.
Me: Uh, no, dude.* I just know what the hajj is.

*Not intended as a slight against Damian's knowledge of dates.

I did make out like a bandit, though. Two pounds sweet potatoes, one pound red onions, half a pound of amir hajj dates (aka "pilgrim's date" per the sign) and five fresh date/coconut rolls, all for five dolla. _
respond? (7)
05:55:11 PM, Wednesday 26 April 2006


How funny. I had just started reading this article about Admin Day (which I didn't even know existed) when a client walked in with a big boquet of irises for me. They are lovely, and it was very nice of her to get them for me, but I can't help hoping this is the last time I'll be eligible to celebrate this holiday. _
respond? (2)
02:54:39 PM, Wednesday 26 April 2006


It's like date panties but better. _
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12:19:42 PM, Wednesday 26 April 2006


So last night around 3 a.m. my upstairs neighbor decided to play hip hop and talk loudly to his friends. Apparently his subwoofer is positioned on the floor directly above my bed. And you know, that whole album had the same fucking beat on every song. _
11:40:29 AM, Wednesday 26 April 2006


"Livin' Thing" by ELO is really, really good. _
08:29:53 PM, Friday 21 April 2006


I read a Dear Abby column today on my lunchbreak and was amazed to read this "problem":

DEAR ABBY: My husband, "Ron," and I are at odds over parenting our 7-year-old son, "Brett." My husband is very domestic. He cooks like a world-class chef and does more housework than any man I know of.

I have read Dr. James Dobson's books on family. He clearly states that a father should be the manly role model for the son, to prevent the son from being homosexual. I'm concerned that Brett will learn feminine ways from my husband and turn out to be gay. How can I convince Ron that he needs to teach Brett the more manly things in life? -- WORRIED MOM IN FLORIDA

This woman clearly has no idea how lucky she is. I can't think of a better example of women's support for the patriarchy. (Um, FGM aside.) _
respond? (6)
04:17:42 PM, Friday 21 April 2006



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12:10:11 PM, Wednesday 19 April 2006


In the past week I've been hit on by strangers twice, which hardly ever happens. I get street harassed as much as the next girl, but some guy awkwardly complimenting me in a cafe is just weird. I was worried that my normally forbidding demeanor was starting to slip, but then I realized that I was wearing the same pair of shoes on both occasions: scuffed doc marten maryjanes.

Two (untestable) hypotheses arise from this. One, men my age were imprinted with the riot grrrl/grunge look at puberty. Two, Damian will regret encouraging me to grab these shoes out of that trash pile on Haight Street. _
respond? (2)
03:22:11 PM, Monday 17 April 2006


Overheard in SF yesterday:

Man in business suit, to panhandler: "I already told you, I'm not a queen. I'm a king. Someday I'll have a queen, and she'll be my wife."

Some dude: Screaming gibberish interspersed with obscenities.
Passerby: "Take! Your! Medication!" _
02:45:00 PM, Friday 14 April 2006


Why there's Superman/Batman fanfic. Forget where I found the link. _
02:34:08 PM, Friday 14 April 2006


I've been listening to The Chronic and started to write an entry about how all that gang shit's for dumb motherfuckers, but then I paused. What if, in dissing Dre, I dis myself? _
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12:48:15 AM, Friday 14 April 2006


Yeah, forget about Poland. I'd rather spend the time visiting people on the East Coast.

I hope all y'all Baltimorons are around this June! _
respond? (7)
04:54:43 PM, Thursday 13 April 2006


Yesterday I bought wire-frame glasses that I actually like (hard to do since I'm picky and vain) and a pair of "nice cotton pants" like it says on my Peace Corps packing list. My pants-buying criterion has completely changed -- it used to be, "do these make my butt look good?" and now it's, "how well do these obscure my butt?" _
respond? (14)
12:33:37 PM, Thursday 13 April 2006


I watched the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie the other night, and it was awesome. _
05:59:07 PM, Wednesday 12 April 2006


The last word on internet rage. Via my brother. _
respond? (1)
02:39:50 PM, Wednesday 12 April 2006


Every time I pin down what I think I want it slips away _
04:59:43 PM, Tuesday 11 April 2006


"And this one means I own Tigermilk."

I can't believe I'm just getting into Cat and Girl now. _
respond? (6)
02:57:42 PM, Tuesday 11 April 2006


Has Julia seen this? _
respond? (2)
12:14:45 PM, Tuesday 11 April 2006


A first: The cashier at Walgreen's bagged my "sanitary products" in a separate, opaque bag before adding them to the rest of my purchases.

Well heck, who let me out of the menstrual hut anyway? _
04:46:09 PM, Monday 10 April 2006


Bush is swearing up and down that we're not invading Iran. Does this mean that we're currently planning to invade or just that we used to be? _
respond? (9)
12:24:24 PM, Monday 10 April 2006


Yesterday's New York Times article about the consequences of criminalizing abortion in El Salvador. ETA: Anne links to an interview with the author. Nice Handmaid's Tale reference, btw. _
respond? (3)
11:54:36 AM, Monday 10 April 2006


I'm pretty relieved that the Senate's immigration bill seems to be stalling, and just for personal reasons: a friend of a friend came here illegally within the past six months, found out she was pregnant after she got here, and had her baby only a few weeks ago. I haven't seen anything about how the law affects recently-arrived illegals who are parents of U.S. citizens. I'd be happy to see a loophole that would allow them to stay, although I guess it would incentive childbearing something fierce. At least it seems like they should be given priority in visa applications. _
respond? (4)
03:59:31 PM, Friday 7 April 2006


I the BART station this morning I heard a saxophonist playing "The Nearness of You". _
11:57:42 AM, Friday 7 April 2006


CSA: Confederate States of America made me choke on my own laughter. It's a brilliant dystopic view of American racial history. What really struck me from reading reviews of it was how many reviewers noted its indictment of America's past but ignored what it has to say about our present.

Anyway, very good, and worth seeking out wherever it's being shown. And if you really want to blow your mind, watch Afrique, Je Te Plumerai the following day. _
12:32:40 AM, Friday 7 April 2006


Man I just hate having to pay taxes. I guess I should just count myself lucky that I'm in a high enough bracket to have to fork anything over at all. _
11:01:16 PM, Monday 3 April 2006


I'm in a great mood and everything smells like chalk. _
01:41:39 PM, Monday 3 April 2006


Having a head cold makes it harder to speak French. I would not have predicted this. _
09:05:59 PM, Friday 31 March 2006



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02:17:13 PM, Friday 31 March 2006


At both ends of a dose of cold medicine I get a half-hour window of symptom relief and no side effects. It is pretty rad compared to the [subsequent lassitude and mild dissociation]/[previous inability to breathe].

Not to mention the ensuing belief that algebraic notation is a perfectly fine substitute for punctuation. Also, more typos!

In some ways it's nice to be reminded why I never want to use dextromethorphan recreationally. Makes me feel like I've made good choices in life.
01:38:55 PM, Friday 31 March 2006


So one of my [redacted] has decided that saying "Holy Shiite!" is really funny. _
respond? (7)
05:52:36 PM, Thursday 30 March 2006


I swear to god it's the cold medicine that does it. I felt reasonably steady this morning, except for the congestion and hacking cough. One dose of decongestant, cough suppressant and god knows what else and I'm floppy as a kitten. _
respond? (4)
12:55:40 PM, Thursday 30 March 2006


Back at work and moving in slow motion.

You know how Barbie dolls come with different outfits and identities, e.g. Astronaut Barbie, Teacher Barbie, Executive Barbie, Mermaid Princess Barbie? Today I am fill-in-the-blank Zombie. Filing Zombie, Scanning Zombie, Donut-eating Zombie, etc. _
respond? (5)
12:44:42 PM, Thursday 30 March 2006


I'm home sick today and discovered a few things. One, ants find tax forms irresistable. Two, adding a "fresh" scent to insecticide just guarantees that I'll associate that smell with poison. _
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05:29:11 PM, Wednesday 29 March 2006


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