Sarah's Bloglet

I think I need to try harder to not yell at people when they say things that strike me as offensively stupid. _
01:52:45 AM, Wednesday 2 November 2005


In their majestic and far-sweeping wisdom, true falcons will attack children.

I can't believe I just agreed with Pat. I'm getting crotchety. Or whatever the mid-20s version of crotchety is. _
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11:20:48 AM, Tuesday 1 November 2005


I just love the smell of roasted cumin seed. _
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08:49:24 PM, Sunday 30 October 2005


I got sick of listening to indie rock and electronica at work and switched to bluegrass. It's a good station, lots of music, and makes me think fondly of Tennessee, which I've mostly seen through a car window. _
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12:02:43 PM, Thursday 27 October 2005


Oakland is really getting to me. I was just reading a messageboard where someone mentioned how they were getting ready to watch "the Bills beat the Raiders." I don't like football at all -- in fact, whenever I watch a game I need an interpreter to tell me what's happening on the field -- but I looked up the score and had to refrain myself from posting, "I hope the cheese dip comforted you in the face of your your resounding loss. Boo-yah!"

If you ever see me in silver and black anything I give you permission to hit me. _
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02:06:20 AM, Monday 24 October 2005


What a great weekend. It's been a long time since I stayed at a party until 8 am. _
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01:26:52 AM, Monday 24 October 2005


Sometimes you feel like an idiot.

And sometimes you feel like a complete idiot. _
respond? (4)
07:10:21 PM, Thursday 20 October 2005


Went to the farmers market today. ("Farmer's market"? "Farmers' market"? Is this a possessive or is it just the market where the farmers can be found? I suppose that would depend on who owns the market... anyway.) I was all set to get some broccoli -- which is finally back in season! hooray! -- but went for these little round eggplants instead. The seller spent five minutes explaining how to cook them in a beef curry. I was planning on putting them in some kind of yogurt salad but now I'm starting to wonder if I should buy some more coconut milk.

Speaking of odd vegetables, I'm intimidated by bitter melon. I've had it in restaurants and liked it, but I'm scared to cook it myself. And here I was thinking of myself as adventuresome. Edit: This article about bitter melon as a supplemental HIV treatment is too odd to pass up. Specifically: paragraph 4, sentence 4. _
respond? (8)
04:57:50 PM, Wednesday 19 October 2005


A literary gem from Jewels, author of Introductory 101: the How-to Guidebook on Exotic Dancing:

My time to call it quits for one evening is up and I let the DJ know I'm off my shift, he hands me my carrying cd case and I'm so tired by this time, I make a genuine effort to leave the dance floor gracefully. The back room is pretty much cleared out and only a few ladies left changing to go home, the DJ calls out, "Last call for alcohol, ten minutes to one a.m. in the morning." I found my thoughts lingering about a lot of men I had danced for, these men, some of them are married and they urged me to give them a call, handing me money with their business card. Many of these men have stay-at-home wives who aid their husbands' careers by managing the dreary tasks of life; taking care of the children, performing servitude acts of housekeeping, cooking, etc. _
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02:29:08 AM, Monday 17 October 2005


Damian and I went to a lovely wedding tonight where Penelope and Odysseus' recognition scene was read in Greek. I ran into someone I knew in middle school, and Dames ran into bits of shrimp lurking in nearly all the hors d'oeuvres. Plus, and this is the classiest thing I've ever heard of: risotto bar. _
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02:23:47 AM, Monday 17 October 2005


On second thought I'll stay at work a bit longer to make another Freud stencil. (A friend wants to do the "freudian slip" costume this Halloween.) But why, oh why, are hands so hard to draw? Even in stencils they're hard, and it's like the world's easiest drawing excercise. _
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08:21:22 PM, Friday 14 October 2005


Does everybody else get all anxious when they feel that they have to prove themselves? And twist low-key evaluations into grand tribunals on their personal worth?

Some days I get so sick of me. I think I'll leave work early (everyone who could fire me already has) and toddle around the neighborhood a bit. Can I make it all the way to the Castro? Who knows! _
07:36:44 PM, Friday 14 October 2005


Please go read The Adventures of Dr. McNinja right now. _
respond? (11)
01:16:43 PM, Friday 14 October 2005


Oh fuxor. What's the bloglet editing url again? Anyone? _
respond? (2)
02:32:21 PM, Wednesday 12 October 2005


Columbus Day. _
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12:27:16 PM, Wednesday 12 October 2005


Unintentionally funny line of the day, from a Salon article about men who own RealDolls: "No real woman seems to think I'm good enough for them." _
respond? (11)
12:12:01 PM, Tuesday 11 October 2005


Not much to say really -- NY was awesome and I ran all over Manhattan for a bit. Since I'm loath to be stereotypical when I can be stereotypically bourgeois, I passed over about a million "I <3 NY" shirts and got a Strand tote bag instead. I kept being surprised at where the subway had deposited me, especially when I got out near the Cloisters and in Williamsburg, where all the chained-up bicycles made me feel right at home.

Speaking of bicycles, I'm in a spot of bad bike karma -- the one I rode around Oakdale, Long Island had a massive blowout, and mine has a big old tear in the tire casing. I think I can patch it long enough to ride to the bike shop, but I won't have time until Thursday. Meanwhile it is taking up space in Damian and Dave's apartment and I miss it.

Speaking of nothing in particular, I hope I spelled "bourgeois" right, because my Peace Corps recruiter nominated me for a community development/health education position in francophone Africa. I guess it's high time I translated Le Petit Prince anyhow. _
respond? (5)
12:27:21 AM, Tuesday 11 October 2005


Yerba Mate is amazing.

Back from NY. More to come. _
respond? (3)
11:57:46 AM, Thursday 6 October 2005


Know any non-pretentious way to tell people you sympathize with them? I'm sick of saying, "I'm sorry you're going through that," because people often respond with, "Oh it's not your fault" and then I am all, "Dude I meant that I feel sympathy for you." This happened with the secretary at the company downstairs today and I want to cut out the misunderstanding/explanation part of that entirely. _
respond? (12)
11:45:23 PM, Wednesday 28 September 2005


Bill Nye has a new show for adults! Unfortunately it isn't being aired around here. I bet we can find it through the magics of BitTorrent though. My little laptop is about to get super-busy!

And a PSA for anyone else who used to have a crush on him in middle school (ahem): we may be legal now, but he is 50. _
respond? (51)
03:56:45 PM, Tuesday 27 September 2005


Peace Corps interview today. Wish me luck! _
respond? (9)
03:05:07 PM, Friday 23 September 2005


Riding past the Paramount last night I was all, "Woah, what's with the goth convention?" Oh yeah, that's what. Seriously, it was boots and corsets as far as the eye could see. _
11:19:22 AM, Friday 23 September 2005


Soma FM's indie channel is playing "Sugarcube" by Yo La Tengo. Dude. I've got to give them money or something. _
05:48:39 PM, Thursday 22 September 2005


Much as my boyfriend, in his awesomeness, appears to have ruined me for other men, so the Bay Area seems to have ruined me for other places. I was just idly -- very idly -- musing about how much fun it would be to work as a set designer on movies, and then I stopped short. "I'd have to live in LA," I thought. "It's horrible -- you have to drive everywhere. It's uncivilized." Nevermind that many people seem to live happy, fulfilling lives there and that you can spend more that a minute in the ocean without your lips turning blue. And that up here I have to drive if I want to have any fun on the weekends.

This reminds me -- I saw Interpol in San Jose last week and felt like I was back in Stockton. Everyone around me seemed to be in high school (and I know it's my own fault for going to hear this generation's Joy Division) and awkwardly dressed and people were making out right next to me. I felt uncomfortable and strange for feeling that way. I guess I'm just really acclimated to the small part of California I live in. Also, I've entirely forgotten what it's like to be a teenager. _
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05:45:00 PM, Thursday 22 September 2005


Life-size butter scuptures. Oh my yes. _
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03:43:07 PM, Thursday 22 September 2005


On a vapid blogging binge today. Anyway: an awesome tattoo. _
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03:03:44 PM, Wednesday 21 September 2005


Typo of the day: "momogamy" _
02:54:23 PM, Wednesday 21 September 2005


I've been listening to the "Indie Pop Rocks" station on Soma FM all week. Really good stuff -- the dj likes Elliott Smith A LOT, plays Quasi regularly, and just played "Kicker of Elves" by Guided By Voices which is... dude. I think internet radio, like internet comics, is just so much better than the regular kind. Because the limits of mass broadcast mean really good work (or at least undiluted work) gets filtered out along with really bad work? _
02:30:23 PM, Wednesday 21 September 2005


Kate Moss Is Dismissed by H&M After a Furor Over Cocaine

I just don't get this. She's a fashion model. Cocaine use is totally in her job description. _
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02:19:59 PM, Wednesday 21 September 2005


Onq fgneg gb gur qnl: univat gb rznvy n sevraq jvgu, "V jnf whfg xvqqvat nobhg gur guerrfbzr." _
respond? (4)
11:42:45 AM, Wednesday 21 September 2005


My soul trembles beneath its galloping hooves. Via Julia. _
02:41:07 PM, Tuesday 20 September 2005


Anybody else read Strunk & White at a formative age? I find my ideas about what writing -- especially expository writing -- should be are derived from this book. Not that I live up to those ideals myself, you understand. _
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01:19:14 PM, Tuesday 20 September 2005


Despite my ever-more-bustling schedule and attractive plans for the future I'm beginning to feel that familiar creep of gloom. It hit me around the head all last fall and I'm just sick at the prospect of more. At least I can see it coming now. _
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12:31:30 PM, Tuesday 20 September 2005


Oh fuckity fuck. I spent four hours doing econ homework last night and then copied the homework to a cd so I could print it out at work and turn it in tonight. But did it copy? It did not! And I don't have time between work and class to go home, burn a copy for reals, go to campus, find a copy shop and buy a scantron. Alack. Maybe my econ professor will accept an emailed copy for partial credit? _
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03:40:08 PM, Monday 19 September 2005


FOUND Magazine is going on tour again. Moss, Julia, Damian and I went to their Oakland show last winter and were greatly entertained. This year they seem to be stopping at less warehouse-y venues but it should still be a good time. Davy Rothbart reads found notes with great emotion and his brother Pete brings a little indie-rock heartthrob respectability to the joint. They're headed all up and down the East Coast, with two dates in D.C. and one in Baltimore, before they head out here. If you miss them you have only yourselves to blame. _
respond? (2)
05:12:18 PM, Thursday 15 September 2005


The other day at the Cubs-Giants game I saw the following message appear on the Jumbotron:


I kind of hope she called him, if only to tell him where he could stick his passive-aggression. _
respond? (11)
05:48:45 PM, Wednesday 14 September 2005


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