Bloglet, the gentleman's mock turtle soup --
Moss made it sweeter than myrrh ash and dhoup

5,277! Still behind, but I'm getting somewhere. It's so bad. It's so, so bad. But I just keep saying, "Each word is a placeholder. It's the armature. It's pipe cleaners and tinfoil. After this month you'll cover it with clay and wax. You'll bake it and shape it and smooth it over and cast it in negative, positive, negative, 'til there'll be nothing left of any of these words. But you can't do that until you've got this. Just the rough shape. Raw and ugly, akward but not nothing. That's all the difference." _
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02:56:39 PM, Monday 5 November 2007

Sure-fire boost to wordcount? Write a scene entirely in Polari!

I feel dirty. _
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01:10:50 PM, Monday 5 November 2007

So I just tanked my CCP. Really frustrating, because it was the easiest damn test -- I had all the words in my dictionary, and the pace was almost laughably slow. In the one minute practice they gave us I plonked down every word, easy as you please. But as soon as the test started my hands started shaking so violently that I could hardly move my fingers. I didn't even realize that I was nervous until the moment it started, but by that point there was no time to take a breath and calm down. So blargh. I guess it would have been worse if I had gotten there and realized I was just too slow to keep up, but it's almost more frustrating this time, because I knew that if I had re-taken it again five minutes later I would have sailed through it. Instead I have to wait until May for another chance. But whatever. It doesn't have much in the way of practical implications; I have plenty of work and I'm doing it competently; this doesn't reflect on that. I guess if I had to have my spazz-out session sooner or later it's better that it happened during this than during my MoMA gig, at which I was insanely nervous (and which was probably at the same speed, but with much more difficult vocabulary). I'm usually a pretty good test taker, but I realized today the difference between a test of knowing and a test of doing. Your body can be as flobbly as it wants during the former, and as long as you don't pass out on the floor you're okay. But it's a terrible feeling to know that you could do a thing no sweat if only you weren't so shot through with muscle-twitching adrenaline. Ugh. _
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05:31:13 PM, Saturday 3 November 2007

Be prudent in your body and brave in your brains. _
06:27:15 PM, Friday 2 November 2007

Blargh, this is taking longer than I thought. Five minutes before my next class, and I'm only at 367 words. Severely tempted to let myself use the laptop sans steno keyboard, 'cause then I can write on the train. But then it wouldn't be SteNoWriMo, would it? Fnurgh. _
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05:58:49 PM, Thursday 1 November 2007

And we're off, with a four-note theme.

261 words so far. Two classes today, but plenty of time in between 'em.

Have given up vim as untenable; the steno synchronization just isn't close enough. Sad, but oh well. Eclipse is flexible enough, if not as elegant.

This is my desktop wallpaper. _
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02:00:15 PM, Thursday 1 November 2007

"New archaeological evidence" came out "Newark logical evidence".

Grr! _
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08:42:30 PM, Tuesday 30 October 2007

Going to try to make a go of filtering Eclipse through Vim for the NaNovel, for cussedness's sake more than anything. The output in my Eclipse window after testing the setup was kind of amusing:

"Kwkkwwwwwbj zap xkA okay, so I wish there were a way to capitalize this. Rtwwji it's okay. I don't mind. TTR:map T:map tTtA that's better. Okay, I need to make a mapping to capitalize the beginning of a sentence without getting out of insert mode, or this is going to get ridiculous. Kkkkk ) Uuukkkkjwwwwli Kkkkk uFRGGAkkA okay, this is working."

(Best when pronounced aloud; I'm thinking long-range space walkie-talkie static. Just getting into the mode of the novel here.) _
04:21:33 PM, Monday 29 October 2007

"excess credit abroad" came out "execrated broad"
"prime territory" came out "perimeter tour"
"my Yahoo" came out "Maya hoo" _
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02:50:14 PM, Friday 26 October 2007

Another funny thing about steno is how it occasionally makes me sound like a poseur Frenchman. TPOR is "for" and POR (only one finger's difference) is "pour", so if my left ring finger slips, you get sentences like "I returned pour a sandwich". Mais non. _
02:34:14 PM, Friday 26 October 2007

I've been intending for a while to blog about how much I adore my new job, but I've got two transcripts to finish and my closet to clean out. I will say, though, that one of the best things about having Thursday and Friday mornings alone in the apartment is that I get the chance to cook for myself (or rather, assemble creative dishes from basic leftovers) and it's loads of fun. Rice Spaghetti Cheddar Borscht Surprise! _
12:36:51 PM, Friday 26 October 2007

This is sort of tempting. The musical examples (MIDI, sadly) take a few seconds each to load, which could get a little tiresome. But I'll keep it on my list. I like the concept, anyhow. _
12:24:11 PM, Friday 26 October 2007

"some more allegorical functions" came out "some more Al Gorecal functions".

D'oh! _
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10:51:47 AM, Tuesday 23 October 2007

"CART provider" is an ill phrase, a vile phrase. I can't stand that acronym. "Open captioner" is more accurate, but not exactly dashing. "Realtime transcriptionist" is too butter-wouldn't-melt. I think I've settled on "Academic stenographer". _
09:20:40 AM, Monday 22 October 2007

So I actually CARTed in public view today, for about 100 people, nearly all of whom were hearing. It went pretty well! I am mightily relieved. _
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09:59:38 PM, Friday 19 October 2007

Free Opera! Today only!

via Parterre. _
05:50:13 PM, Thursday 18 October 2007

Someone in Washington Heights is playing "When the Saints Go Marching In" on the bagpipes. _
10:58:00 AM, Thursday 18 October 2007

"First of all, you have a business tax, and that's basically a consumption tax where you have nookie appreciation but you expense your investments right away."

Um... that was supposed to be "no depreciation" (TPHO/TKE/PRAOEGS), not "nookie appreciation" (TPHO/KE/PRAOEGS).

{throws self in East River} _
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06:38:58 PM, Wednesday 17 October 2007


I have just been granted permission to post this.

Ladies and Gentlemen, my mezzo. _
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12:14:48 PM, Friday 12 October 2007

I'm in the Pratt computer Lab, blogging from my steno machine! This is awesome. Must dash. Cart to be carted. _
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06:56:20 PM, Thursday 11 October 2007

Mirabai Knight

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