Bloglet, the gentleman's mock turtle soup --
Moss made it sweeter than myrrh ash and dhoup

Yum. _
respond? (7)
07:15:29 AM, Tuesday 9 March 2004

I know how to be happy. It's a silly thing to brag about, but it's a skill all the same, and I'm grateful that I've had the chance to cultivate it. _
07:07:13 AM, Tuesday 9 March 2004

Opera at a distance, where you can't make out the tune but only the squawling, sounds really really awful. _
respond? (1)
06:26:40 PM, Monday 8 March 2004

I've been trying to figure out how to tie this bloody bow tie for forty flipping minutes. Grargh! I think I could do it no problem if I just had someone to show me, but these diagrams are USELESS against my butterfingers and spatial suckitude. _
respond? (1)
01:48:05 PM, Monday 8 March 2004

"The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing But the Truth", by Rhoda Broughton. Pretty freaking hilarious, if you ask me. But I just like catty old ladies. _
07:59:16 AM, Monday 8 March 2004

I haven't looked forward to a birthday this much since I was gonna be ten and sure of getting Ninja Turtles. _
07:56:01 AM, Monday 8 March 2004

"Without lust of result." _
05:18:40 AM, Monday 8 March 2004

'Cause this is that sort of blog page. Next rollover will be far more noble and entertaining and exalted and all. Really. Another test. One y'all will kick my ass on. Which wounds me, 'cause it's about the only thing I'm halfway good at, knowing big words. But it's valuable to get a relative sense of yourself compared with the world when it comes to ABSOLUTE POINTLESS TRIVIA. It's simply a fact that, no matter how much ass you fancy you kick, there are several million asskickinger examples of the race ahead of you. And, if you're lucky enough, they're in your very own group of buddies. You can't let it get you down. Hem. Anyhow, the big word quiz. I got 172. _
respond? (37)
02:31:19 PM, Sunday 7 March 2004

I kinda like this Odds Bodkin guy. I seem to randomly come across his stuff and just thought to Google him tonight. So far, I've heard his version of "Dame Ragnell", "The Crane Wife", and "The Odyssey". I like hearing old tales retold without being rewritten (if you understand me), and this guy's got a knack for it. I don't know how much he scripts out and how much he goes off the top of his head, but he does it fluently and with spirit. _
09:04:45 AM, Sunday 7 March 2004

My email server,, has been offline for the last day or so. No idea how long it'll go on, whether it's storing or bouncing messages, or what. Just... if you're trying to send me a message, email probably won't be the best route to do it by, 'til further notice. _
respond? (5)
08:46:13 AM, Sunday 7 March 2004

My dad got five teeth pulled a couple days ago. I don't know why I would blog about it in the first place, but I really don't know why I didn't do it then. But I didn't, and now I am. He's all right and all. But still... five teeth. Damn. I read in the Economist, though, that some new stem-cell based research is making it look like it's gonna be possible to regrow teeth in situ pretty soon now. How cool is that? Today... I mean yesterday, the sixth, was supposed to be a very auspicious day in Tibetan Buddhism. Every good deed you did would bear twofold fruit. I don't think I did a single good deed the whole day. Didn't do much of anything, really. But did it very satisfyingly. Read Book of Illusions, by some guy my mom saw interviewed on Charlie Rose. She thinks Charlie Rose is dreamy. But he's too much of a ladies' man for her, she says. Anyway, the book was very good. Stylistically drab, but the story and the feeling behind it were fascinating and vivid. It's pretty stupid that I still get all snooty about style whenever I read the first five pages or so of a book that isn't a masterpiece of rhetoric and polish. Fortunately, it drops away as soon as I get into the meat of it. But still. Style's got its place, and it can be such a delicious, sensuous thing, but it ain't nothing compared to what's essential in writing. _
06:40:58 AM, Sunday 7 March 2004

Spidery, cramped, effeminate, loopy, scrawling, meticulous, slanted, crude, blocky, neat, elegant, erratic. _
06:32:06 AM, Sunday 7 March 2004

Do you have perfect pitch? _
respond? (10)
12:42:59 PM, Saturday 6 March 2004

Why are some people so down on photorealistic painting? _
respond? (8)
11:31:52 AM, Saturday 6 March 2004

The hollow of the throat. _
respond? (1)
11:04:30 AM, Friday 5 March 2004

Have you ever swum in potable water? Not just a-few-mouthfulls-won't-kill-ya water, but actual water you'd drink from a glass? And real swimming, not garden-hose-in-the-kiddie-pool stuff.

Do you make any distinction in the pronunciation of "attics" versus "addicts"?

More on the evils of television: I was listening to the "Et resurrexit" from Fiocco's Missa Solemnis, and, Lord forgive me, I heard them singing "Et ascendit in J-Lo." Arsenic or the noose? _
respond? (21)
11:57:09 AM, Thursday 4 March 2004


Some day. Some day. _
respond? (3)
12:22:51 AM, Thursday 4 March 2004

I dreamed I sat in on classes at a Catholic women's college called "Catherine Washington University" (I googled; it ain't real), affectionately known as "Cat Wash". There were all these cute dark-haired serious-minded type girls there, but the classes (I gate-crashed three, pretending to be a student. Can't remember the first two, but in the third one they were studying Jung, and we each had to recite a poem that made reference to the collective unconscious. I did "When beetles fight these battles in a bottle with their paddles and the bottle's in a poodle and the poodle's eating noodles, they call this a muddle puddle treadle poodle beetle noodle bottle paddle battle.") were pretty mediocre. Right when I left, I said to myself, "I should blog this. Little old me in a schoolhouse again, what a story." But then I woke up and realized I had to blog about dreaming it rather than doing it and was a little disappointed. _
09:20:55 PM, Wednesday 3 March 2004

Food. Brood. Quietude.

Dude. _
respond? (30)
10:43:03 AM, Wednesday 3 March 2004

Back online! Hallelujah! _
respond? (2)
11:32:33 PM, Tuesday 2 March 2004

Mirabai Knight

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