Bloglet, the gentleman's mock turtle soup --
Moss made it sweeter than myrrh ash and dhoup

Frozen Grapes, Frozen Grapes,
Woo, Woo, Woo!
Frozen Grapes, Frozen Grapes,
Ampoules Blanc Doux!
Crush 'em in your teeth, (woo!)
Juice'll numb your tongue, (woo!)
Spit out all the seeds and
save 'em when you're done, (woo!)
Frozen Grapes, Frozen Grapes,
Woo, Woo, Woo!
Frozen Grapes, Frozen Grapes,
Ampoules Blanc Doux!!

06:06:15 PM, Wednesday 12 June 2002

All right, damnit. I am determined. I will design a Marmite t-shirt, inspired by the undeniably splendid t-shirt enshrinement of a base and despicable substance. The problem is that the English aren't nearly as studly as the Italians; unsurpassed as their condimental advantage may be, their adverstising slogans leave something to be desired. I have a great many possibilities from which to choose for my requisite motto-under-the-jar, many of which, I am sad to relate, are ultra-lame. But it must be perfect, utterly perfect. I have decided to solicit advice from you, my dear discerning friends. Which epigram suits the magnificence of Marmite best? If you hit upon any besides the ones I have heretofore collected, do set it down in the comments window.

* My Mate, Marmite

* Marmite: You Either Love it or Hate it.

* Ideal for Troops Serving Overseas in Combating the Outbreak of Beri-Beri and Other Deficiency Diseases Prevalent in Such Places as Mesopotamia.

* Marmite is Good.

* 1250% your Recommended Daily Allowance of Folic Acid per 100g serving!

* The Growing-Up Spread You Never Grow Out Of.

* Marmite for Appetite Keeps you Tuned Up!

* "I strongly believe that there is a role for Marmite in a loving BDSM relationship, either as a reward or mild punishment." -- Spero Meliora _
respond? (13)
12:36:51 PM, Wednesday 12 June 2002

Yipee! I have an email account for another year. Now, should work in perpetuity, 'cause I pay the little buggers $20 a year to forward it to whatever account I happen to be riding the coattails of at the time, but if for some unhearkenable reason it don't (grrr), you can email me at my current address-proper, (yes, "Knight" without the "t". "The end is knigh"; you know.) My old SJC {snif} address,, is working for the time being (though it'll be down for maintenance all day Wednesday), but I can't guarantee it for any specific length -- it's best not to use it, I think, 'cause it's certainly gonna go the way of all things sooner than the Towson one. My address seems to be kaput for good, alas, and same with my And, of course, my and my Also my, and my,, and... sheesh. I sure have piled up a good supply of these things over the last ten years. _
05:25:39 PM, Tuesday 11 June 2002

Since I missed it the first time (Robert, I now keep that graduation card you gave me -- with the ikon of St. Vitus, patron protector against oversleeping -- next to my alarm clock. He hasn't failed me yet.), here is the eminent John Barth's address to my graduating class. It's pretty damn good. _
04:07:14 PM, Tuesday 11 June 2002

Xenu's Law: the flakier the website, the prettier its design. _
12:19:45 PM, Tuesday 11 June 2002

Felt like I nearly fell off the face of the earth. Went to bed at 1:00pm yesterday, as I'd been up the night before typing lab reports, thinking "well, I'll sleep a bit, and then I'll get up to type the other lab report due tomorrow". I woke up with a start (after an odd dream whose contents hidden cleverly somewhere on the blogmass) and looked out the window. Twilight. Looked at my watch. 6:00, it said. "Now," I said to myself, "If it's six in the evening, I've just had a very fulfilling five hours of sleep, 'cause I feel great. If it's six in the morning, uh... I'm screwed." I had just slept for seventeen bloody hours! And I wasn't even on a couch on Maryland Avenue! Gak! That's two good solid nights of sleep with an hour left over. Anyway, I do feel very well, thank you. And I got the lab report done before class at 8:00, so I feel proud of myself.

In other news, though danchan has resurrected itself after a frustratingly absent weekend, my smitling (Lindsey Noelle Nichols to you) took matters shortly into her own hands and got herself another blog on blogspot which, though it lacks comments and title pages (get Yaccs if you're gonna keep it, L.!), has a rapturous purple-tuxedo motif which I like very much. It also has a scathing {sob} review of her recent opinion of Marmite. That's awright. More for me, fwee-hee! _
respond? (4)
11:54:49 AM, Tuesday 11 June 2002

Um... allo? Am I pinging blt? _
respond? (1)
11:10:45 AM, Monday 10 June 2002

So today's lecture, for the first time, ran through some of the stuff I'd learned in Johnnyland. It was nice, in a way, to get it in one direct incontrovertible stream -- a two-hour progression from electromagnetic theory to quantum physics, ba-doom-boom. I was also kind of happy at how much I remembered from lab class, both conceptually and in the details, and the memories of reading and discovering this stuff for the first time were almost shockingly vivid. That's one thing that I think SJC has over this style of learning; it's exciting. You read one paper and try to understand it, mistakes and all, and then you go to the next one, and by the time you get to Junior lab you don't have to make those artificial limits on what you learned in high school, 'cause the stuff really is esoteric, so you can honestly be a blunderer in the dark, and try to feel your way around, getting a bit more information with each paper, so when you get to a big discovery like Maxwell's equations or E=hv, it's a hell of a rush. Here, you can get the same very useful and interesting information presented to you in a couple hours in complete conceptual models. It's the difference between getting a boombox for your birthday and getting a box of parts that eventually you piece into a crystal radio set. The first one's convenient and gets better reception, but the second one is such a joy the whole time you're putting it together, that when you're finally done with it, the songs sound sweeter, and you listen more carefully. _
11:05:03 AM, Monday 10 June 2002

Gunga Done. _
03:49:14 AM, Monday 10 June 2002

All right. South Park me. _
02:37:47 AM, Monday 10 June 2002

I didn't know what to write. So I wrote a ransom note for twelve thousand crowns. _
respond? (1)
01:52:30 AM, Monday 10 June 2002

Gah! How can I be yawning and rubbing my eyes? I got twelve hours of sleep last night! It's eleven o'clock p.m.! This is nutso-blammo. _
11:54:59 PM, Sunday 9 June 2002

The Viennese are just too cool. Just too, too cool. But their desserts are freaking sweet. Sweeter than they should be. In a bad way. _
11:30:41 PM, Sunday 9 June 2002

One, Two, Ombra Mai Fu.
Three, Four, Toreador.
Five, Six, Herr, bin ich's?
Seven, Eight, Kiss me, Kate.
Nine, Ten, Bastien und Bastienne. _
11:08:34 PM, Sunday 9 June 2002

An interesting article on the potentially biological causes of homosexuality. _
09:27:11 PM, Sunday 9 June 2002

Ungelöscht Martinsbloggendurst!! _
06:20:01 PM, Sunday 9 June 2002

"I just don't want you to come down with brain fever or anything..."

-- my mother, worried about the rigorous year to come _
01:11:02 PM, Sunday 9 June 2002

Melted Cheddar and Horseradish Sandwiches make me a happy beast. Hum. Awright, now here's the question. "Saner" is a perfectly valid word, right? "Saner heads will prevail". Sure. But "insaner", to me, sounds... wrong. It sounds wrong in the same way that "funner" does; I can't find any rule for why "funner" should be incorrect, but everyone says it is, and there must be some reason. I think, though, that "insaner" actually is correct, just because Mark Twain used it (and it wasn't in dialect). But doesn't it sound... off? Tell me what's what. _
respond? (1)
11:34:09 AM, Sunday 9 June 2002

I just got email from someone named Boobie Hume. _
respond? (3)
07:27:07 PM, Saturday 8 June 2002

Blintzes! _
respond? (7)
01:54:33 PM, Saturday 8 June 2002

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bloglet script by Moss Collum