Bloglet - A tasty morsel of web goodness every time I log in.

And one last finishing touch... _
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08:33:23 PM, Monday 31 December 2002


I do believe it could! _
respond? (popup)
08:32:08 PM, Monday 31 December 2002


Could it be this simple? _
respond? (popup)
08:31:39 PM, Monday 31 December 2002


'nother test, wot? _
respond? (popup)
08:23:05 PM, Monday 31 December 2002


What's happening now? _
respond? (popup)
08:20:16 PM, Monday 31 December 2002


Let's see if this works, then... _
respond? (popup)
08:19:58 PM, Monday 31 December 2002


Let's see if this works, then... _
respond? (popup)
08:18:45 PM, Monday 31 December 2002


Could that be all? Just a missing newline? _
respond? (popup)
08:13:12 PM, Monday 31 December 2002


It complains properly when I don't enter the password, but it doesn't seem to be sending the right redirect when I do add an entry. _
respond? (popup)
08:11:22 PM, Monday 31 December 2002


It seems to be almost working right... _
respond? (popup)
08:09:21 PM, Monday 31 December 2002


This is a test of weblet. _
respond? (504) (popup)
08:08:07 PM, Monday 31 December 2002


Today I am in love with: PHP-aware CGIWrap. _
respond? (2) (popup)
07:51:44 PM, Monday 31 December 2002


This is a test. _
respond? (popup)
07:18:50 PM, Monday 31 December 2002


This is a test. _
respond? (1) (popup)
07:16:40 PM, Monday 31 December 2002


"You rascals! You wooly-footed and wooly-pated truants!" _
respond? (1) (popup)
02:46:54 PM, Monday 31 December 2002


That last was just a fortune that came up when I logged in just now, but it's right on target, so it seemed worth blogging. _
respond? (popup)
03:40:52 AM, Monday 31 December 2002


X windows:
	It's not how slow you make it.  It's how you make it slow.
	The windowing system preferred by masochists 3 to 1.
	Built to take on the world... and lose!
	Don't try it 'til you've knocked it.
	Power tools for Power Fools.
	Putting new limits on productivity.
	The closer you look, the cruftier we look.
	Design by counterexample.
	A new level of software disintegration.
	No hardware is safe.
	Do your time.
	Rationalization, not realization.
	Old-world software cruftsmanship at its finest.
	Gratuitous incompatibility.
	Your mother.
	THE user interference management system.
	You can't argue with failure.
	You haven't died 'til you've used it.
The environment of today... tomorrow!
	X windows.
respond? (popup)
03:39:41 AM, Monday 31 December 2002


Now you can learn grammar the easy way: with Hercules slash! _
respond? (1) (popup)
04:35:41 PM, Saturday 29 December 2001


Interesting... the BBC audio drama version of the Lord of the Rings makes the same mistake as Peter Jackson's movie of revealing too much in the prologue. _
respond? (1) (popup)
08:43:59 PM, Friday 28 December 2001


As I understand it: a relational database management system (RDBMS) is the Right Thing when you're dealing with something that can properly be called a database: large sets of data that need to be sorted, queried, tied together in various ways, and eventually spat out to the user in some form. But if what you want is simply object persistence--that is, if you just need a place to store the data your program is working with when it can't be in RAM--then using an RDBMS is a bit of a hack, and an object-oriented database management system (OODBMS) is probably much closer to what you need. I don't yet have a thorough enough understanding of either databases or object-oriented programming to say whether an OODBMS should always be able to replace an RDBMS in a well factored object-oriented program. _
respond? (popup)
06:26:45 PM, Friday 28 December 2001


You Aren't Gonna Need It also applies to not doing things. That is, if something will make your program more useful now, but you're worried about it creating problems with something you might or might not do later, you should go ahead at put it in, rather than holding off and having to work around its absence.

A little more specific: in wobble, I'd been keeping the persistence code--the code that saves the blog data to disk and restores it--totally separate from the code that handles the blog itself. But for now, it's actually okay for the blog to assume that it's associated with a particular file, and there are some things that would be made much easier by doing that. Of course, I'll still keep the code nice and compartmentalized, so it'll be easy to change back, but I think the main point holds. _
respond? (1) (popup)
06:00:15 PM, Friday 28 December 2001


Supposedly there's something in warm milk that makes you sleepy. This being the case: is the net effect of a Latté to keep you awake, or to put you to sleep? _
respond? (2) (popup)
04:58:24 PM, Friday 28 December 2001


I would not code a large project in Perl, but I would not code a quick hack in anything else. _
respond? (1) (popup)
02:01:55 PM, Friday 28 December 2001


I can't remember the last time I heard anything about Eric S. Raymond. _
respond? (3) (popup)
06:30:42 PM, Thursday 27 December 2001


This morning, the parking lot at work was almost empty, so I got a great parking space...

When I left during lunch, the parking lot was exceedingly full, so I knew that space would be taken...

Just as I pulled back in after lunch, somebody was leaving the spot right next to the one I had this morning. So I took that one.

This makes me happy. _
respond? (popup)
05:18:51 PM, Thursday 27 December 2001


Three cheers for ramen! The great taste that fills you up, without providing any of the vital nutrients you need to get through the day! _
respond? (2) (popup)
05:16:38 PM, Thursday 27 December 2001


New Mozilla milestone: 0.9.7. _
respond? (popup)
04:53:27 PM, Thursday 27 December 2001


This should work. _
respond? (popup)
02:38:40 PM, Thursday 27 December 2001


Another weblet test. _
respond? (popup)
02:35:00 PM, Thursday 27 December 2001


Does it work if I call it through weblet, too? _
respond? (popup)
02:28:45 PM, Thursday 27 December 2001


Kerne, does this work? _
respond? (popup)
02:27:00 PM, Thursday 27 December 2001


This is an entry to test something with. _
respond? (2) (popup)
02:13:01 PM, Thursday 27 December 2001


Driving home tonight, in the fog, turning off my brights and looking at the street light up ahead, I suddenly understood Goethean color theory on a very immediate level. Maybe now is the time to read his book on it. _
respond? (2) (popup)
05:27:12 AM, Thursday 27 December 2001


By this hand, he said, I shall sieze the Sword of Memnon
bloodied, blazing with the feared race of blind cows
Nattering, nattering, furiously at the nut trees!
Then falling o'er the flam he fluxies o'er
So begins all journies, temporal and no
horse so bold as that steed that stood atop Pike's Peak one day in March
Grumble, throng, the shuddering factions wheeze
"Beware the ides!" he cried before he sank between his knees!
Joyful! and Joy! Tonight we shall have seen our ends
in the end are no more than our
crumpets, our curmodgeonness, our pinned and polished peasecods
dance with welkin joy amid the midnight and the sky.
Bright, and black, and deadly. Night is niegh, no fear
for the dying on this bedside of the april dawn
blooming fresh as an underbellied groat
that shall wretch until the hour doth meet the dawn!
respond? (popup)
05:29:03 AM, Wednesday 26 December 2001


"Get your muse on!" _
respond? (1) (popup)
05:12:58 AM, Wednesday 26 December 2001


I think I've gotten my little Exquisite Corpse Server working again. Go play with it! Fun! Fun! _
respond? (popup)
04:59:08 AM, Tuesday 25 December 2001


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