Brief Guide to MySQLXPCOM
by Moss Collum <>
Exceedingly brief introduction to MySQLXPCOM: first initialize the MySQL component, then create a Connection object, then call the appropriate methods on it. Everything's listed here in more or less the order you'll use it.
I've also put together a simplified interface, SimpleMySQLConnection. It's a relatively quick hack, and hasn't been thoroughly tested, so I make no promises about performance or reliability. But it's been working well for me, and it does take care of some of the overhead of creating a connection.
To initialize the MySQLXPCOM component, use:"UniversalXPConnect");
var mysql = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance();
mysql = mysql.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIMySQL);
Once this is done, you can create a Connection object
mysqlRun = mysql.Connection(host, port, database, user, password);
- mysqlRun
- Variable that will hold the new Connection object.
- mysql
- An existing MySQL component.
- host
- The hostname of the MySQL server.
- port
- The port number of the MySQL server.
- user
- The username to log on with.
- password
- The password for the given username.
If this method fails, it will throw an exception.
The remaining items described below are methods of the Connection object.
Execute a MySQL statement. If it is a query, the results will be available through the same Connection object.
mysqlRun.Execute(sqlcommand, type);
- mysqlRun
- An existing Connection object.
- sqlcommand
- Text of a MySQL command to execute.
- type
- Unclear what exactly this is. Set to 1 if you want to use the NumRows method, 0 otherwise.
Appears to do the same thing as the FetchFieldNames method, but with different syntax. So far, I haven't worked out the details of this one--I just use FetchFieldNames instead.
Fetch the names of the fields in the result set for the current query.
var fieldNamesCnt = {value: 0};
var fieldNames = {value: []};
mysqlRun.FetchFieldNames(fieldNamesCnt, fieldNames);
- mysqlRun
- An open Connection object.
- fieldNamesCnt.value
- After method is called, contains the number of fields in the result set.
- fieldNames.value
- After method is called, contains an array of field names.
If this method fails, it will throw an exception.
Return the number of rows in the current result set.
rows = mysqlRun.NumRows();
- mysqlRun
- An open Connection object.
- rows
- Gets set to the number of rows in the response to the most recent query.
Fetch a new row of results from the current query.
var rowDataCnt = {value: 0};
var rowData = {value: []};
mysqlRun.FetchRow(rowDataCnt, rowData);
- mysqlRun
- An open Connection object.
- rowDataCnt.value
- After method is called, contains the number of columns in the row.
- rowData.value
- After method is called, contains an array of field names.
Closes the connection to the database.
rows = mysqlRun.Finish();
- mysqlRun
- An open Connection object.
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